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Deep-water Zostera marina meadows in the Mediterranean
Aquatic Botany ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103269
Loubna Boutahar , Free Espinosa , Jonathan Richir , Gilles Lepoint , Sylvie Gobert , Mohamed Maanan , Hocein Bazairi

In Morocco, Zostera marina Linnaeus has disappeared from many localities where it was historically reported. The only known remaining meadows along Mediterranean coasts of Morocco, though in North Africa, are those of Belyounech bay and Oued El Mersa bay, in the marine area of ‘Jbel Moussa’. An in-depth knowledge of these meadows is required for their effective conservation purpose. The Z. marina meadows of Jbel Moussa are deep, the lower limit being 17 m depth with patches extending down to 20 m depth. Seagrass cover of Belyounech bay meadow is continuous whereas that of Oued El Mersa is fragmented. Shoot density and aboveground biomass are higher in Belyounech meadow, with 745 ± 183 shoots.m−2 and 273 ± 40 gDW. m−2 of leaf biomass. During the survey, trawling scars and the invasive algae Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder were observed. Bioavailable Ni, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb and U measured in the sediment are mainly accumulated in Z. marina roots. Nitrogen level is high in seagrass leaves and low in the sediment. Conversely, sediment is more enriched in phosphorus. Carbon levels and its isotopic ratio value are respectively higher and less negative in leaves when compared to the seagrass belowground compartments. All together, data collected during this survey allows defining the overall good health status of Z. marina meadows of Jbel Moussa. These Moroccan meadows, localized within the warm temperate-southern limit of the species, are well developed compared to many places worldwide. The exceptional presence of deep Z. marina meadows in the Mediterranean requires the implementation of measures as a major priority to ensure the conservation of these ecosystems, since seagrasses are being deeply threatened worldwide.



在摩洛哥,Zostera码头Linnaeus已从历史报道的许多地方消失。尽管在北非,摩洛哥地中海沿岸唯一已知的剩余草甸是“ Jbel Moussa”海域的Belyounech湾和Oued El Mersa湾。为了有效地保护它们,需要对这些草地有深入的了解。Jbel Moussa的Z. marina草甸很深,下限为17 m深度,斑块向下延伸至20 m深度。Belyounech海湾草甸的海草覆盖是连续的,而Oued El Mersa的海草覆盖是零散的。拍摄密度和地上生物量是在Belyounech草甸较高,具有745±183 shoots.m -2和273±40克DW。m -2叶生物量。在调查期间,观察到了拖网疤痕和侵入藻类Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder。沉积物中测得的生物利用度Ni,As,Mo,Ag,Cd,Sn,Sb和U主要积累在滨海假单胞菌根中。海草叶片中的氮含量高而沉积物中的氮含量低。相反,沉积物中的磷含量更高。与地下室的海草相比,叶片中的碳含量及其同位素比率值分别较高和较低。总之,通过此次调查收集的数据可以确定滨海假单胞菌的总体健康状况贝尔·穆萨(Jbel Moussa)的草地。与世界上许多地方相比,这些摩洛哥草甸位于该物种的温带-南风之内。由于海草在世界范围内受到严重威胁,因此地中海中深层的Z. marina草甸的特殊存在要求采取措施作为确保保护这些生态系统的主要优先事项。
