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Caecal impactions: Diagnosis, management and prognosis
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-21 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13317
A. Velloso Alvarez 1 , R. Reid Hanson 1 , J. Schumacher 1

A caecal impaction can be caused by an accumulation of dry ingesta (type I) or abnormal caecal motility resulting in a feed impaction of fluid consistency (type II). Horses that develop a caecal impaction have often been administered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) during hospitalisation for treatment of a painful condition such as an ocular or orthopaedic disease. Clinical signs of caecal impaction can be mild, and progress to more moderate to severe signs of abdominal pain as the impaction enlarges. Since an impacted caecum has a high risk of rupture, early diagnosis and treatment are important. Horses with a caecal impaction can be treated medically or surgically, and treatment decisions are based on clinical signs, results of transrectal palpation, character of peritoneal fluid and response to medical management. For type I caecal impaction, medical management consists of aggressive fluid therapy, both intravenous and enteral, to soften ingesta. Fluid therapy can be combined with laxatives, motility-enhancing drugs and analgesic drugs. Surgery is indicated if results of transrectal abdominal examination indicate that the impaction is unchanged or has enlarged, signs of abdominal pain increase, or if there is cardiovascular deterioration. Horses with type II caecal impaction have a greater chance of survival if managed surgically. Using a ventral mid-line celiotomy approach, a caecal impaction can be resolved via a typhlotomy. When caecal motility is poor, or there are signs of chronic caecal dysfunction, a caecal bypass procedure (jejunocolostomy or ileocolostomy) should be considered. Although the prognosis for horses with a caecal impaction is claimed to be fair to good, choice of treatment is controversial and may influence prognosis. If the affected horse survives to discharge from the hospital, the long-term prognosis is generally good. Many retrospective studies of cases of caecal impaction are weakened by failure to distinguish between types I and II.



盲肠嵌塞可能是由干性摄取物的堆积(I 型)或导致液体稠度的饲料嵌塞(II 型)的盲肠蠕动异常引起的。发生盲肠嵌塞的马通常在住院期间服用非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID) 以治疗疼痛状况,例如眼部或骨科疾病。盲肠嵌塞的临床症状可能是轻微的,随着嵌塞的扩大,会发展为更中度至重度的腹痛症状。由于受影响的盲肠破裂的风险很高,因此早期诊断和治疗很重要。盲肠嵌塞的马可以通过药物或手术治疗,治疗决定基于临床症状、经直肠触诊的结果、腹腔积液的特征和对医疗管理的反应。对于 I 型盲肠嵌塞,医疗管理包括积极的液体治疗,包括静脉内和肠内,以软化摄入。液体疗法可与泻药、增强动力药和镇痛药联合使用。如果经直肠腹部检查的结果表明嵌塞没有改变或扩大,腹痛的迹象增加,或者如果有心血管恶化,则表明进行手术。如果手术治疗,患有 II 型盲肠嵌塞的马有更大的生存机会。使用腹侧中线剖腹术方法,盲肠嵌塞可以通过 typhlotomy 解决。当盲肠动力差或有慢性盲肠功能障碍的迹象时,应考虑进行盲肠旁路手术(空肠结肠造口术或回肠结肠造口术)。尽管盲肠嵌塞马的预后据称是公平到良好,但治疗选择存在争议,可能会影响预后。如果受影响的马存活出院,长期预后通常良好。许多盲肠嵌塞病例的回顾性研究因未能区分 I 型和 II 型而被削弱。