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The failing right ventricle: Where do we go from here.
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13523
Dunbar Ivy 1

Tian and colleagues highlight the importance of right and left ventricular interdependence in their article in this issue of Acta Physiologica. The role of the right ventricle is often underestimated in health and disease. In comparison with the left ventricle, the right ventricle is triangular shaped, whereas the left ventricle is conical. Right ventricular function has been shown to be an important determinant of outcome in many disease states. These range from paediatric disorders to adult acquired conditions. Paediatric conditions include congenital heart disease in which the right ventricle may supply output to the systemic circulation. Even though some children do not require a right ventricle, such as in single ventricle heart disease, bypassing the right ventricle allows for survival but it is fraught with many complications. In adults the right ventricle is important in outcome of many conditions including thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and left heart disease.

The right ventricle and left ventricle are different in many ways. The left ventricle is developed from the primary heart tube, whereas the right ventricle is developed from the anterior‐secondary heart field. These two ventricles differ in their anatomy, geometry, myocardial fibre orientation and response to increased afterload. The right ventricle pumps to a low pressure, high compliance system. The right ventricle must increase its output at least three to fivefold under normal exercise conditions. The left ventricle has a conical shape, is more muscular, and is adapted to routinely providing systemic levels of blood pressure. Measurements of left ventricular function are easier than measurement of right ventricular function because of uniform shape and accessibility to pressure haemodynamics. The right ventricle wraps as a crescent around the left ventricle and has been compared to a ‘glove around a baseball’. Standard imaging of the right ventricle is much more challenging because of its geometric shape, multiple trabeculations, and can be further limited by insufficient acoustic windows in patients with severe right ventricular dilation.

In spite of these differences, right ventricular function and left ventricular function are intertwined by several factors. The most obvious is the shared interventricular septum. Normally the intraventricular septum moves in concert with the left ventricular free wall. The right ventricle squeezes more in a longitudinal than the circumferential motion of the left ventricle. The shared fibres between the left ventricle and right ventricle contribute to ventricular interdependence. The left ventricle and right ventricle share helical fibres but, the right ventricle lacks a middle layer and must rely more heavily on longitudinal shortening than does the LV. Consequently, abnormal longitudinal myocardial deformation is an early sign of right ventricular dysfunction and compromised systolic function.1 Classic studies by Damiano showed that in the electrically isolated heart, the right ventricle contributes little to left ventricular function. However, the left ventricle contributes to a large portion of normal right ventricular function.2 As pressure increases in the pulmonary circulation, the right ventricle later adapts by dilation to further maintain cardiac output. Maladaptive responses include dilation as well as bulging of the interventricular septum into the left ventricle. This bulging provides a mechanism for several detrimental geometric responses.3 The left ventricle no longer has a conical shape and the bulging of the septum leads to abnormal inflow into the left ventricle during diastole. In severe RV dysfunction, RV systole may continue into LV diastole thus limiting LV filling. Torsion of the left ventricle is also decreased in paediatric pulmonary hypertension.4 Lastly, electro‐mechanical dyssynchrony and discoordination between both ventricles occur with disease progression most likely the result of myocardial remodelling further augmenting the pathologic right‐to‐left ventricular interdependency.5, 6 The ventricular interdependence of these two ventricles is crucial in normal and disease states.

Pulmonary arterial hypertension, an elevation of pulmonary artery pressure and impedance of the pulmonary circulation, leads to pathologic changes in the right ventricle. Right ventricular failure is the major cause of death in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.7 Today, therapies have focused on treatment of the afterload of the right ventricle rather than right ventricle function despite the fact that RV function is the major determinant of outcome. Medicines have targeted the pulmonary circulation in terms of reducing vasoconstriction and perhaps reducing vascular remodelling. For the last three decades, the major focus of treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension has been the pathobiology of the endothelium and smooth muscle. The prostacyclin pathway has been used as a target for the pulmonary circulation since the 1980s and is a mainstay of severe PAH therapy. Increases in cyclic GMP have been produced using inhaled nitric oxide, blockade of type V phosphodiesterase and stimulation of soluble guanylate cyclase. Blockade of the endothelin receptors has been utilized for almost two decades.8 These medications have little direct effect on the failing right ventricle. Other attempts to improve RV function in this fatal disease including use of digoxin, beta blockers and renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone inhibitors have been disappointing.

In this issue of Acta Physiologica,9 Tian and colleagues have studied a model of RV failure treated with increasing left ventricular afterload using banding of the aorta above the coronary arteries. They focused much of their attention on the effects of increasing coronary artery perfusion pressure on right ventricular function. Reduced right coronary artery flow by MRI has been shown to be associated with human pulmonary hypertension.10 The authors have used a common model of pulmonary arterial hypertension caused by monocrotaline (MCT) in the rat. MCT causes moderate to severe pulmonary arterial hypertension and leads to right ventricular dysfunction and ultimately failure. The authors proposed that improvement of right coronary perfusion pressure would lead to improved right ventricular function, decreased right ventricular fibrosis and improvement of metabolic derangements of the right ventricle. After one month of supra‐aortic banding, right ventricular systolic perfusion pressure was improved as well as direct measurement of right ventricular function. Measures of right ventricular function included improved tricuspid annular systolic excursion (TAPSE) and improved coupling between the right ventricle and the pulmonary circulation measured by the ratio of RV end‐systolic elastance to pulmonary arterial elastance. In addition to diminished right ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial perfusion was increased in the MCT with aortic band group in both the right and left ventricle during both systole and diastole using single‐photon emission computed tomography perfusion imaging. Finally, the authors evaluated changes in metabolism of the RV and showed a shift towards normal in the ratio of pyruvate kinase muscle isoform 1 (PKM1) and PKM2 using immunoblotting, suggesting a shift towards restoration of oxidative metabolism.

Previous studies have shown that aortic banding improves RV function.11 This article provides mechanistic insight into reasons that supra aortic banding causes improvement in RV function through multiple mechanisms, but primarily because of improved perfusion pressure of the right coronary artery. Associated improvements include a decrease in fibrosis and improvement in metabolic derangements. Tian and colleagues have shown that banding of the aorta leads to a potentially new target in clinical medicine. Although aortic banding has not been studied in humans with pulmonary hypertension, this study importantly leads the way to further consideration of mechanisms to improve right ventricular function in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension or other diseases of the right ventricle. It is unlikely that aortic banding will be studied in humans with pulmonary hypertension, but in the clinical setting it is crucial to maintain coronary perfusion and the normal geometric relations of the right and left ventricle as much as possible. This study has implications not only in the chronic management of patients, but also in the acute management as well.







在本期《生理生理学》中,9 Tian及其同事研究了一种通过使用冠状动脉上方的主动脉束带而增加左心室后负荷治疗的RV衰竭模型。他们将大部分注意力集中在增加冠状动脉灌注压力对右心室功能的影响上。MRI显示右冠状动脉血流减少与人肺动脉高压有关。10这组作者使用了由大鼠中的芥子油碱(MCT)引起的肺动脉高压的常见模型。MCT会导致中度至重度肺动脉高压,并导致右心室功能障碍,并最终导致衰竭。作者认为,改善右冠状动脉灌注压力将导致改善的右心室功能,减少的右心室纤维化以及改善右心室的代谢紊乱。主动脉上束扎1个月后,右心室收缩压得到改善,并且直接测量了右心室功能。右心室功能的测量包括改善的三尖瓣环收缩期偏移(TAPSE)和改善的右心室与肺循环之间的耦合(通过RV末梢弹性与肺动脉弹性之比来衡量)。除了减少右心室肥大外,使用单光子发射计算机断层扫描灌注成像,在MCT中,右心室和左心室的左,右心室主动脉带组的心肌灌注增加。最后,作者评估了RV代谢的变化,并使用免疫印迹法显示了丙酮酸激酶肌肉同工型1(PKM1)和PKM2的比例向正常的方向转变,表明向氧化代谢的恢复方向转变。除了减少右心室肥大外,使用单光子发射计算机断层扫描灌注成像,在MCT中,右心室和左心室的左,右心室主动脉带组的心肌灌注增加。最后,作者评估了RV代谢的变化,并使用免疫印迹法显示了丙酮酸激酶肌肉同工型1(PKM1)和PKM2的比例向正常的方向转变,表明向氧化代谢的恢复方向转变。除了减少右心室肥大外,使用单光子发射计算机断层扫描灌注成像,在MCT中,右心室和左心室的左,右心室主动脉带组的心肌灌注增加。最后,作者评估了RV代谢的变化,并使用免疫印迹法显示了丙酮酸激酶肌肉同工型1(PKM1)和PKM2的比例向正常的方向转变,表明向氧化代谢的恢复方向转变。

