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Intralipid treatment for women with reproductive failures.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1111/aji.13290
Carolyn B Coulam 1

Does intravenous intralipid treatment for reproductive failure enhance live births? The answer to this question is yes, BUT only in patients that have a diagnosis of recurrent implantation failure (RIF) or recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) loss AND demonstrate elevated NK (natural killer) cell density in their endometrial biopsy. Live birth rates have been reported between 33% and 42% among women displaying elevated NK activity with a diagnosis of RIF and 75% and 91% among women experiencing RPL after intralipid infusion. When the pregnancy outcomes of women with a history of reproductive failure and elevated NK cells treated with intralipid were evaluated, the overall live birth rate per cycle of treatment was 61%. The results of published studies suggest that intralipid can be used successfully as a therapeutic option to modulate abnormal NK activity in women with reproductive problems.


Intralipid 治疗生殖失败的女性。

生殖衰竭的静脉内脂类治疗是否会增加活产率?这个问题的答案是肯定的,但仅适用于诊断为复发性着床失败 (RIF) 或复发性流产 (RPL) 丢失并在其子宫内膜活检中显示 NK(自然杀伤)细胞密度升高的患者。据报道,在诊断为 RIF 的 NK 活性升高的女性中,活产率在 33% 到 42% 之间,而在注射脂类药物后出现 RPL 的女性中,活产率为 75% 和 91%。当评估有生殖障碍病史和用英特利匹德治疗的 NK 细胞升高的女性的妊娠结局时,每个治疗周期的总活产率为 61%。