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Lipopeptide(s) associated with human microbiome as potent cancer drug
Seminars in Cancer Biology ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2020.06.012
Vivek Chauhan 1 , Shamsher S Kanwar 1

Human microbiota comprises of trillions of microbes which have evolved with and continued to live on/ within their human hosts. Different environmental factors and diet have a large impact upon human microbiota population. These microorganisms live in synergy with their hosts and are beneficial to the host in many different ways. Many microorganisms help to fight against human diseases. Cancer is one such diseases which effects a large human population often leading to death. Cancer is also one of the most fatal human diseases killing millions of people world-wide every year. Though many treatment procedures are available but none is 100 % effective in curing cancer. In this review, we seek to understand the role of human microbiota in cancer treatment. Lipopeptide(s) (LPs) produced by different microorganisms can act as efficient drug(s) against cancer. LPs are low molecular weight lipo-proteins that are also known for their anti-cancer activities. As human microbiota belongs to an environment within the host body, a drug prepared using these microorganisms will be easily accepted by the body. This novel approach of using LPs produced by human microbiota can be considered for the much needed change in cancer treatment. Therefore, it is proposed that research should focus on the host-microbe interaction which could pave the way in understanding role played by these microorganisms in cancer treatment.



人类微生物群由数以万亿计的微生物组成,这些微生物与人类宿主一起进化并继续生活在它们的人类宿主之上/之中。不同的环境因素和饮食对人类微生物群有很大影响。这些微生物与其宿主协同生活,并以许多不同的方式对宿主有益。许多微生物有助于对抗人类疾病。癌症是一种影响大量人口的疾病,通常会导致死亡。癌症也是最致命的人类疾病之一,每年在全世界造成数百万人死亡。尽管有许多治疗方法可用,但没有一种方法能 100% 有效治愈癌症。在这篇综述中,我们试图了解人类微生物群在癌症治疗中的作用。由不同微生物产生的脂肽(LPs)可以作为有效的抗癌药物。LP 是低分子量脂蛋白,也因其抗癌活性而闻名。由于人体微生物群属于宿主体内的环境,使用这些微生物制备的药物很容易被人体接受。这种使用人类微生物群产生的 LP 的新方法可以考虑用于癌症治疗中急需的改变。因此,建议研究应该集中在宿主-微生物的相互作用上,这可以为理解这些微生物在癌症治疗中所起的作用铺平道路。使用这些微生物制备的药物很容易被人体接受。这种使用人类微生物群产生的 LP 的新方法可以考虑用于癌症治疗中急需的改变。因此,建议研究应该集中在宿主-微生物的相互作用上,这可以为理解这些微生物在癌症治疗中所起的作用铺平道路。使用这些微生物制备的药物很容易被人体接受。这种使用人类微生物群产生的 LP 的新方法可以考虑用于癌症治疗中急需的改变。因此,建议研究应该集中在宿主-微生物的相互作用上,这可以为理解这些微生物在癌症治疗中所起的作用铺平道路。
