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Injectable hydrogel-loaded nano-hydroxyapatite that improves bone regeneration and alveolar ridge promotion.
Biomaterials Advances ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2020.111158
Yongsheng Pan 1 , Yue Zhao 2 , Rong Kuang 1 , Hou Liu 2 , Duo Sun 1 , Tianjiao Mao 1 , Kexin Jiang 1 , Xinting Yang 2 , Nobumoto Watanabe 3 , Kevin H Mayo 4 , Quan Lin 2 , Jiang Li 5

In stomatology, the promotion of alveolar bone regeneration while preventing the reduction of ridge absorption remains a challenge. In this work, we designed and prepared bio-mimetic polysaccharide hydrogels that are multi-functional in terms of being injectable, promote self-healing, degradable, porous structure, et al. After introducing nano-hydroxyapatite particles, the composite scaffold of hydrogel/hydroxyapatite (GH) stent was obtained. When GH material was injected into the mandibular incisors of rats following tooth extraction, the new bone area was enhanced more than 50%, while the alveolar ridge was promoted in excess of 60% after 4 weeks. What's more, the wound soft tissue was healed within 1 week. Overall, our results indicate that this optimized GH stent has the potential to both maintain dimensional alveolar ridge, as well as to promote soft tissue healing. Moreover, using the hydroxyapatite-containing hydrogel platform has the potential to promote bone and soft tissue regeneration.



