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Confronting Racism in Chemistry Journals.
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.0c00334
Cynthia J. Burrows , Jiaxing Huang , Shu Wang , Hyun Jae Kim , Gerald J. Meyer , Kirk Schanze , T. Randall Lee , Jodie L. Lutkenhaus , David Kaplan , Christopher Jones , Carolyn Bertozzi , Laura Kiessling , Mary Beth Mulcahy , Craig W. Lindsley , M. G. Finn , Joel D. Blum , Prashant Kamat , Wonyong Choi , Shane Snyder , Courtney C. Aldrich , Stuart Rowan , Bin Liu , Dennis Liotta , Paul S. Weiss , Deqing Zhang , Krishna N. Ganesh , Harry A. Atwater , J. Justin Gooding , David T. Allen , Christopher A. Voigt , Jonathan Sweedler , Alanna Schepartz , Vincent Rotello , Sébastien Lecommandoux , Shana J. Sturla , Sharon Hammes-Schiffer , Jillian Buriak , Jonathan W. Steed , Hongwei Wu , Julie Zimmerman , Bryan Brooks , Phillip Savage , William Tolman , Thomas F. Hofmann , Joan F. Brennecke , Thomas A. Holme , Kenneth M. Merz , Gustavo Scuseria , William Jorgensen , Gunda I. Georg , Shaomeng Wang , Philip Proteau , John R. Yates , Peter Stang , Gilbert C. Walker , Marc Hillmyer , Lynne S. Taylor , Teri W. Odom , Erick Carreira , Kai Rossen , Paul Chirik , Scott J. Miller , Joan-Emma Shea , Anne McCoy , Martin Zanni , Gregory Hartland , Gregory Scholes , Joseph A. Loo , James Milne , Sarah B. Tegen , Daniel T. Kulp , Julia Laskin

The following joint Editorial was originally published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c10979). We confront the terrible reality that systemic racism and discrimination impacts the daily personal and professional lives of many members of the scientific community and broader society. In the U.S., the brutal killing of George Floyd while in police custody is one of the most recent examples of the centuries of systemic violence suffered by Black Americans. This moment and its aftermath lay bare the legacies of racism and its exclusionary practices. Let us be clear: we, the Editors, Staff, and Governance Members of ACS Publications condemn the tragic deaths of Black people and stand in solidarity with Black members of the science and engineering community. Moreover, ACS condemns racism, discrimination, and harassment in all forms. We will not tolerate practices and viewpoints that exclude or demean any member of our community. Despite these good intentions, we recognize that our community has not done enough to provide an environment for Black chemists to thrive. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, Chairwoman of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology said, “So far, we have gotten by with a STEM workforce that does not come close to representing the diversity of our nation. However, if we continue to leave behind so much of our nation’s brainpower, we cannot succeed.”(1) Indeed, the U.S. National Science Foundation notes that Blacks and other under-represented minority groups continue to be under-represented in science and engineering education and employment.(2) What is abundantly clear in this moment is that this lack of representation is a symptom of systemic racism across all levels of education and professional life. We know that supportive words are not enough. We must develop and implement a concrete plan for changing our trajectory. Publications and citations are academic currency, and while we like to think publishing a manuscript is “just about the science”, we know that is not true for everyone. We have seen the biases (largely through the lens of gender and in Western countries because of the limitations in bibliometric analyses) and applaud our colleagues at the RSC for their massive study that explored these gender barriers in the publishing pipeline(3) and their recent Inclusion and Diversity Framework.(4) At the present time, unfortunately, less is known about the effects of race and ethnicity on publishing success. A study published in PeerJ, however, found that unprofessional reviewer comments had a disproportionate effect on authors from under-represented groups.(5) As the world’s leading society publisher, we have a responsibility to aggressively combat bias in all aspects of the publishing process, including systemic under-representation of Blacks in this endeavor (no ACS journal is currently led by a Black Editor-in-Chief). Within ACS Publications, we actively track gender and geographic diversity of editors, advisors, authors, and reviewers, and we anecdotally report on race of editors. Diversity encompasses many more dimensions than these, and we acknowledge that we can do much more than we have. We affirm that diversity and inclusion strengthen the research community and its impact, and we are committed to developing, implementing, tracking, and reporting on our progress to ensure that our editors, advisors, reviewers, and authors are more diverse and that all authors receive the same fair treatment and opportunity to publish in our journals. We acknowledge that we do not have all the answers now, but we seek to hear from and listen to our community on how we can improve our journals to be more diverse and inclusive. As first steps, we commit to the taking the following actions:
  • Gathering and making public our baseline statistics on diversity within our journals, encompassing our editors, advisors, reviewers, and authors; annually reporting on progress
  • Training new and existing editors to recognize and interrupt bias in peer review
  • Including diversity of journal contributors as an explicit measurement of Editor-in-Chief performance
  • Appointing an ombudsperson to serve as a liaison between Editors and our Community
  • Developing an actionable diversity plan for each ACS journal
Gathering and making public our baseline statistics on diversity within our journals, encompassing our editors, advisors, reviewers, and authors; annually reporting on progress Training new and existing editors to recognize and interrupt bias in peer review Including diversity of journal contributors as an explicit measurement of Editor-in-Chief performance Appointing an ombudsperson to serve as a liaison between Editors and our Community Developing an actionable diversity plan for each ACS journal These are only initial plans and the start of a conversation: other ideas are beginning to germinate, and we commit to sharing them with you regularly. We invite you contribute your ideas on how we can do better via our Axial website. We are listening carefully. We encourage you to take immediate action in your own circles. In a recent editorial, JACS Associate Editor Melanie Sanford(6) offered practical steps to take now. Take a moment to find out more about these actions and how to bring them into your work and your life. We all have a responsibility to eradicate racism and discrimination in the science and engineering community; indeed, to make a real difference, we need to be antiracist. The tragic events we have seen in the Black community provide great urgency to this goal. The work will be difficult and will force us to confront hard realities about our beliefs and actions. We fully expect that you, and everyone in the community, will hold us accountable. This article references 6 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. This article references 6 other publications.



以下联合社论最初发表于ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c10979)。我们面临着可怕的现实,即系统性种族主义和歧视影响着科学界和更广泛社会许多成员的日常个人和职业生活。在美国,乔治·弗洛伊德在警察拘留期间被残酷杀害,是美国黑人几个世纪以来遭受系统性暴力的最新例子之一。这一刻及其后果暴露了种族主义及其排他性做法的遗产。让我们明确一点:我们,ACS 出版社的编辑、工作人员和治理成员谴责黑人的悲惨死亡,并与科学和工程界的黑人成员站在一起。此外,ACS 谴责一切形式的种族主义、歧视和骚扰。我们不会容忍排斥或贬低我们社区任何成员的做法和观点。尽管有这些良好的愿望,但我们认识到我们的社区在为黑人化学家提供蓬勃发展的环境方面做得还不够。美国众议院科学、空间和技术委员会主席、众议员埃迪·伯尼斯·约翰逊 (Eddie Bernice Johnson) 表示:“到目前为止,我们的 STEM 劳动力队伍还不足以代表我们国家的多样性。然而,如果我们继续留下如此多的国家人才,我们就无法成功。”(1) 事实上,美国国家科学基金会指出,黑人和其他代表性不足的少数群体在科学和工程领域的代表性仍然不足教育和就业。(2) 目前非常清楚的是,这种代表性的缺乏是各级教育和职业生活中系统性种族主义的症状。我们知道仅仅支持性的言语是不够的。我们必须制定并实施一项具体计划来改变我们的轨迹。出版物和引用是学术货币,虽然我们喜欢认为发表手稿“只是关于科学”,但我们知道并非每个人都是如此。我们已经看到了这些偏见(主要是通过性别的视角,在西方国家,由于文献计量分析的局限性),并赞扬英国皇家莎士比亚委员会的同事们进行的大规模研究,探讨了出版渠道中的这些性别障碍(3) 以及他们最近的研究成果。包容性和多样性框架。(4) 不幸的是,目前人们对种族和族裔对出版成功的影响知之甚少。然而,发表在PeerJ上的一项研究发现,不专业的审稿人评论对代表性不足群体的作者产生了不成比例的影响。(5) 作为世界领先的学会出版商,我们有责任积极打击出版过程各个方面的偏见,包括黑人在这一努力中的系统性代表性不足(目前没有 ACS 期刊由黑人主编领导)。在 ACS Publications 内,我们积极跟踪编辑、顾问、作者和审稿人的性别和地域多样性,并偶尔报告编辑的种族。多样性涵盖的维度远不止这些,我们承认我们能做的比我们所能做的要多得多。 我们申明多样性和包容性可以增强研究社区及其影响力,我们致力于开发、实施、跟踪和报告我们的进展,以确保我们的编辑、顾问、审稿人和作者更加多样化,并且所有作者都能收到同样的公平待遇和在我们的期刊上发表文章的机会。我们承认,我们现在还没有所有的答案,但我们寻求听取社区的意见,了解如何改进我们的期刊,使其更加多样化和包容性。作为第一步,我们承诺采取以下行动:

  • 收集并公开我们期刊多样性的基线统计数据,包括我们的编辑、顾问、审稿人和作者;每年报告进展情况

  • 培训新任和现有编辑以识别和消除同行评审中的偏见

  • 将期刊撰稿人的多样性作为对主编绩效的明确衡量标准

  • 任命一名监察员作为编辑和我们社区之间的联络人

  • 为每个 ACS 期刊制定可行的多样性计划

收集并公开我们期刊多样性的基线统计数据,包括我们的编辑、顾问、审稿人和作者;每年报告进展情况 培训新任编辑和现有编辑,使其认识并消除同行评审中的偏见 将期刊撰稿人的多样性作为主编绩效的明确衡量标准 任命一名监察员作为编辑与社区之间的联络人 发展可行的多样性为每本 ACS 期刊制定计划 这些只是初步计划和对话的开始:其他想法正在开始萌芽,我们承诺定期与您分享。我们邀请您通过我们的 Axial 网站就如何做得更好提出您的想法。我们正在仔细聆听。我们鼓励您在自己的圈子中立即采取行动。在最近的一篇社论中, JACS副主编 Melanie Sanford(6) 提出了现在需要采取的实际步骤。花点时间了解有关这些行动的更多信息以及如何将它们融入您的工作和生活中。我们都有责任消除科学和工程界的种族主义和歧视;事实上,要真正发挥作用,我们需要反种族主义。我们在黑人社区看到的悲惨事件为实现这一目标提供了极大的紧迫性。这项工作将是困难的,并将迫使我们面对关于我们的信念和行动的严峻现实。我们完全期望您和社区中的每个人都能让我们承担责任。本文参考了其他 6 篇出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。本文参考了其他 6 篇出版物。