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Translocation of threatened terrestrial orchids into non‐mined and post‐mined lands in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia
Restoration Ecology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13224
Stephen A.J. Bell 1

Re‐introduction of threatened plants is an emerging tool in biodiversity conservation; however, the efficacy and success of translocations vary. This study documents translocation of two threatened terrestrial orchid species (Diuris tricolor, Prasophyllum petilum) over 8 years within coal mining areas in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia. In the largest scale orchid translocation known (and the only one translocating into mine rehabilitation), six events have progressively re‐located 3,030 mature orchids (1,206 D. tricolor, 1,824 P. petilum) into biodiversity offsets (non‐mined: 1,099 D. tricolor, 1,493 P. petilum) and mine rehabilitation (post‐mined: 127 D. tricolor, 311 P. petilum), and 300 salvaged tubers into non‐mined (20 D. tricolor, 180 P. petilum) and post‐mined (10 D. tricolor, 90 P. petilum) lands. Monitoring of orchids for 3–8 years revealed significant relationships between winter rainfall (July for P. petilum, August for D. tricolor) and orchid detection. Both species survived significantly better in non‐mined and post‐mined land when translocated in soil cores than as salvaged tubers. Diuris tricolor was more detectable overall, with rates 3–8 years post‐translocation as high as 53–67% in good years and 16–47% during drought. Prasophyllum petilum was less detectable, returning 4–12% in drought but rising to 52–63% during wetter seasons. Diligent searching prior to flowering doubled detection for D. tricolor and increased it by one third for P. petilum. Two monitoring inspections per season increased detection by up to 12%. After 3–8 years post‐translocation, orchids have persisted and are well established. Staged translocation over 8 years with adaptive management to operational procedures and monitoring has increased orchid detectability, and can be applied to future orchid translocations.



重新引入受威胁植物是生物多样性保护的一种新兴工具;但是,易位的功效和成功各不相同。这项研究记录了在澳大利亚新南威尔士州猎人谷的煤炭开采区内8年内两种受威胁的陆地兰花物种(Diuris tricolorPrasophyllum petilum)的易位。在已知的最大规模的兰花易位(也是唯一一个转移到矿山复垦中)中,六起事件将3,030成熟兰花(1,206 D. tricolor,1,824 P. petilum)逐步重新定位为生物多样性补偿(未开采:1,099 D. tricolor,1,493 P. petilum)和矿山复垦(开采后:127 D. tricolor,311 P. petilum)和300个打捞的块茎进入未开采(20 D. tricolor,180 P. petilum)和后开采(10 D. tricolor,90 P. petilum)的土地。对兰花进行3–8年的监测显示,冬季降雨(七月对P. petilum,八月对D. tricolor)与兰花检测之间存在显着关系。与未打捞的块茎相比,这两种物种在未开采和开采后的土地中转移至土壤核心时的存活率均显着提高。总体上更容易检测到三色Diuris,在迁移后3-8年的发生率在好年份高达53-67%,在干旱期间高达16-47%。桔梗较少被检测到,在干旱中返回4-12%,但在较湿的季节上升到52-63%。在开花前进行勤奋的搜索,使三色线虫的检出率增加了一倍,并增加了P. petilum的检出率的三分之一。每个季节进行两次监视检查,使发现率提高多达12%。易位后3–8年,兰花持续存在并且根深蒂固。经过8年的分阶段易位,对操作程序进行自适应管理和监控,提高了兰花的可检测性,并可应用于未来的兰花易位。