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Analysis of Brown Carbon Content and Evolution in Smokes from Siberian Forest Fires Using AERONET Measurements
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s1024856020030045
N. A. Golovushkin , I. N. Kuznetsova , I. B. Konovalov , M. I. Nahaev , V. S. Kozlov , M. Beekmann


The content and evolution of brown carbon (BrC) in smokes from Siberian forest fires were analyzed using measurements of the aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD) at three Russian AERONET stations located in Tomsk, Zvenigorod, and Yekaterinburg. Estimates are obtained of the relative contribution of BrC in fine aerosol particles to the absorption of solar radiation at a wavelength of 440 nm (ηBrC) and, in particular, for an anomalous episode of long-range transport of smokes from Siberia to the European part of Russia in summer 2016. A considerable BrC content is found in smokes in Tomsk and Zvenigorod (where ηBrC is estimated to be 15 and 18% on average). It is noteworthy that no significant ηBrC values were revealed during passage of smokes from Siberian fires over Yekaterinburg. The ηBrC values were found to decrease with aerosol aging under sunlit conditions on the characteristic timescale of about 30 h. At the same time, the measurements in Zvenigorod indicate that the absorption properties of the organic component of smoke aerosol increase during a much longer evolution.




使用位于托木斯克,兹韦尼哥罗德和叶卡捷琳堡的三个俄罗斯AERONET站的气溶胶吸收光学深度(AAOD)测量结果,分析了西伯利亚森林大火烟雾中棕色碳(BrC)的含量和演变。获得了关于气溶胶细颗粒中BrC对440 nm(ηBrC)波长太阳辐射吸收的相对贡献的估计值,尤其是烟从西伯利亚向欧洲的远距离传播的异常事件在2016年夏季成为俄罗斯部分地区。在托木斯克和兹韦尼哥罗德的烟雾中发现大量BrC含量(据估计ηBrC平均为15%和18%)。值得注意的是,没有显着的ηBrC西伯利亚大火在叶卡捷琳堡上空冒烟的过程中揭示了这些值。的η BRC发现值与约30小时的特征时间尺度阳光照射的条件下老化气雾剂降低。同时,在兹韦尼哥罗德(Zvenigorod)进行的测量表明,烟雾气溶胶中有机成分的吸收特性在更长的演变过程中会增加。