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Active Quasiparticle Suppression in a Non-Equilibrium Superconductor.
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01264
Marco Marín-Suárez 1 , Joonas T Peltonen 1 , Jukka P Pekola 1

Quasiparticle (qp) poisoning is a major issue that impairs the operation of various superconducting devices. Even though these devices are often operated at temperatures well below the critical point where the number density of excitations is expected to be exponentially suppressed, their bare operation and stray microwave radiation excite the non-equilibrium qp’s. Here we use voltage-biased superconducting junctions to demonstrate and quantify qp extraction in the turnstile operation of a superconductor–insulator–normal metal–insulator–superconductor single-electron transistor. In this operation regime, excitations are injected into the superconducting leads at a rate proportional to the driving frequency. We reach a reduction of density by an order of magnitude even for the highest injection rate of 2.4 × 108 qp’s per second when extraction is turned on.



准粒子(qp)中毒是影响各种超导设备运行的一个主要问题。尽管这些设备通常在远低于激发数密度预计呈指数抑制的临界点的温度下运行,但它们的裸露操作和杂散微波辐射会激发非平衡量子点。在这里,我们使用偏压超导结来演示和量化超导-绝缘体-普通金属-绝缘体-超导单电子晶体管旋转门操作中的 qp 提取。在此操作状态下,激励以与驱动频率成比例的速率注入超导引线。当提取打开时,即使对于每秒 2.4 × 10 8 qp 的最高注入速率,我们也能将密度降低一个数量级。