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Ion transmission through nanochannels: Energy dependent acceptance angle and transmission probability
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2020.05.026
Sjoerd Roorda , Martin Chicoine

The transmission of energetic (0.1–2 MeV) light ions through an array of parallel nanochannels was measured as a function of incident angle with respect to the channel axis. The angular transmission can be viewed macroscopically, similar to an ion passing through a collection of parallel slits which then determine the beam profile or similar to ion channeling in crystals. In the first case, the number of transmitted ions as a function of incident angle would be determined simply by the line-of-sight geometry (length over diameter) of the nanotube resulting in a critical angle of about 0.2° whereas in the second case, the acceptance angle would be much larger, nearly 0.8°, and analogous to the acceptance angle typically encountered in ion channeling in crystals. The measured critical angle varies between 0.4° and 0.8° depending on the incident ion energy, but with increasing energy the critical angle becomes larger rather than smaller. The transmittance at the optimal angle increases with energy and shows a strong linear correlation with it. This can be understood as a consequence of repeated interactions with the channel walls as the channeled ions travel along the channel.



高能(0.1–2 MeV)光离子通过平行的纳米通道阵列的传输被测量为相对于通道轴的入射角的函数。可以从宏观角度观察角度透射,类似于离子穿过平行狭缝的集合,然后确定平行的狭缝或类似于晶体中的离子通道。在第一种情况下,透射离子的数量作为入射角的函数将仅由纳米管的视线几何形状(直径上的长度)确定,导致临界角约为0.2° 而在第二种情况下,接收角度会更大,接近0.8°,并且类似于晶体中离子通道中通常遇到的接受角。测得的临界角在0.4之间变化° 和0.8°取决于入射离子的能量,但是随着能量的增加,临界角会变大而不是变小。最佳角度下的透射率随能量的增加而增加,并显示出很强的线性相关性。这可以理解为当通道离子沿通道行进时与通道壁反复相互作用的结果。
