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Influence of climatic variations on production, biomass and density of wood in eucalyptus clones of different species
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118290
Sofia Maria Gonçalves Rocha , Graziela Baptista Vidaurre , José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane , Maria Naruna Félix Almeida , Rafaela Lorenzato Carneiro , Otávio Camargo Campoe , Henrique Ferraço Scolforo , Clayton Alcarde Alvares , Júlio César Lima Neves , Alexandre Candido Xavier , Marco Aurélio Figura

Abstract The wood production potential that a site presents is largely represented by its climatic condition and by the affinity of its genetic material. An issue which concerns all wood producers is climate change and how it will influence wood production and wood characteristics, as they can be decisive in industrial applications. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) verify the wood volume (WV), stem biomass (SB) and the basic wood density (BWD) behavior against different climatic scenarios; and (ii) verify the potential of estimating the BWD through meteorological variables. The WV, BWD and SB of four different Eucalyptus spp. clones as to their climate of origin and species were analyzed. The cultivation was from 2012 to 2015 (four years) with planting in 11 locations in Brazil, representing a wide range of climatic characteristics with average precipitation from 649 mm y−1 to 1618 mm y−1. Precipitation, maximum vapor-pressure deficit, water deficit in the soil, temperature and precipitation seasonality were used to characterize the regions during the growth period. Hierarchical grouping was carried out for the sites, and the WV, BWD and SB behavior within the groups were analyzed. Thus, a linear regression equation between the most influential meteorological variables in the BWD were adjusted in order to identify the potential of the estimative BWD. Four groups were formed between the sites, and the variation in WV, BWD and SB for each clone between the wet and dry groups were respectively: C3: −68.3%, +8.7% and −65.0%; K2: −77.5%, +8.3% and −74.3%, A1: −40.3%, −9.21% and −39.9%; and Q8 – −31.6%, +8.4% and −34.1%. The drier locations generally showed lower WV and SB, and higher BWD associated to a decrease in the growth rate. This behavior is intrinsic to each clone and does not establish a defined proportion. Humid locations did not show clear patterns in changing density. The maximum vapor-pressure deficit and the water deficit in the soil were the most significant variables and had the best potential to estimate the basic wood density of the wood. Basic wood density is a resource which can be strongly influenced by genetics, and above all there is a significant influence of climate on the sites.



摘要 一个地点的木材生产潜力主要由其气候条件和遗传物质的亲和力来表示。一个涉及所有木材生产商的问题是气候变化以及它将如何影响木材生产和木材特性,因为它们在工业应用中具有决定性意义。因此,本研究旨在: (i) 针对不同气候情景验证木材体积 (WV)、茎生物量 (SB) 和基本木材密度 (BWD) 行为;(ii) 验证通过气象变量估算 BWD 的潜力。四种不同桉树属的 WV、BWD 和 SB。对克隆的起源气候和物种进行了分析。种植时间为 2012 年至 2015 年(四年),在巴西的 11 个地点种植,代表范围广泛的气候特征,平均降水量从 649 mm y-1 到 1618 mm y-1。降水、最大蒸气压亏缺、土壤水分亏缺、温度和降水季节性被用来表征生长期间的区域。对站点进行了分层分组,并分析了组内的 WV、BWD 和 SB 行为。因此,调整了 BWD 中最有影响的气象变量之间的线性回归方程,以确定估计 BWD 的潜力。位点之间形成四组,湿组和干组之间每个克隆的WV、BWD和SB变异分别为:C3:-68.3%、+8.7%和-65.0%;K2:-77.5%、+8.3% 和-74.3%,A1:-40.3%、-9.21% 和-39.9%;和 Q8 – -31.6%、+8.4% 和 -34.1%。较干燥的地点通常显示较低的 WV 和 SB,较高的 BWD 与增长率下降相关。这种行为是每个克隆固有的,并没有建立一个定义的比例。潮湿的地方在密度变化方面没有显示出清晰的模式。土壤中的最大蒸气压亏缺和水分亏缺是最重要的变量,并且最有可能估计木材的基本木材密度。基本木材密度是一种受遗传影响很大的资源,最重要的是气候对场地的影响很大。土壤中的最大蒸气压亏缺和水分亏缺是最重要的变量,并且最有可能估计木材的基本木材密度。基本木材密度是一种受遗传影响很大的资源,最重要的是气候对场地的影响很大。土壤中的最大蒸气压亏缺和水分亏缺是最重要的变量,并且最有可能估计木材的基本木材密度。基本木材密度是一种受遗传影响很大的资源,最重要的是气候对场地的影响很大。