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The Role of Theory in Behavior Analysis: A Response to Unfinished Business, Travis Thompson's Review of Staddon's New Behaviorism (2nd edition).
The Psychological Record ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s40732-020-00409-y
J E R Staddon 1

Travis Thompson’s lengthy review of Staddon’s The New Behaviorism requires several corrections and extensions. This response discusses Staddon’s analysis of Herrnstein’s matching law and concludes that Thompson misinterprets a gentle critique as a paean. The response goes on to defend the utility of models and “internal states” (i.e., postulated processes that are not directly measurable) as “formal representation[s] of the data reduced to a minimal number of terms,” a position similar to one of B. F. Skinner’s statements. The response ends with a defense of Skinner’s empirical brilliance, but a critique of his sweeping societal prescriptions.


理论在行为分析中的作用:对未完成业务的回应,Travis Thompson对Staddon的新行为主义的评论(第二版)。

特拉维斯·汤普森(Travis Thompson)对Staddon的《新行为主义》的冗长评论需要进行一些更正和扩展。该回应讨论了Staddon对Herrnstein匹配法的分析,并得出结论,Thompson将温和的批评误解为一种赞美诗。回应继续捍卫模型和“内部状态”(即无法直接测量的假定过程)的效用,因为“数据的形式表示已减少到最少的术语”,这一立场与斯金纳的陈述。回应以对斯金纳经验丰富的辩护为结尾,但对他广泛的社会处方提出了批评。
