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Morphgenomics based identification of Fusarium proliferatum causing Syagrus romanzoffiana wilt and exploitation of antifungal potential of Trichoderma species against this pathogen
Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s42161-020-00572-9
Anjum Faraz , Imran Ul Haq , Siddra Ijaz , Fathia Mubeen , Amer Habib , Rashad Waseem Khan Qadri , Nabeeha Aslam Khan

Chlorosis on rachis followed by plant wilting of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Queen Palm) was observed during the survey of commercial ornamental plant growing nurseries and landscapes of sixteen locations from five districts of Punjab province. About 25% plants were found affected by the disease. Symptomatic root and leaf tissues were sliced, surface sterilized, transferred on PDA medium and incubated at 26 °C. Frequently whitish to purple fungal colony pigmentation was observed with club shaped microconidia and slender shaped macroconidia. Based on morpho-cultural characters the fungal isolate was identified as Fusarium proliferatum. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1-α) region were sequenced for molecular characterization. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the sequences of both investigated loci to explore the place of investigated fungal isolate FMB-F-P-QP in evolutionary hierarchy of Fusarium species. In phylograms, this isolate was clearly nested with the strains of Fusarium proliferatum. The morphogenomic studies proved this isolate as F. proliferatum. The characterized culture deposited in FMB-Culture Collection-UAF (FMB 0133) and generated sequences of both loci were submitted to GenBank (accession No. MH557215 for ITS; accession No. MH568689 for TEF1-α). Koch’s postulates were accomplished by applying F. proliferatum and yellowing of leaves started three weeks post inoculation while chlorosis on one side of rachis or complete wilting appeared after six months. This is the first reported study of Syagrus romanzoffiana wilt caused by F. proliferatum in Pakistan. Four strains of three Trichoderma species (one strain of T. harzianum, two strains of T. atroviridae and one strain of T. viridae) were evaluated for their antagonistic potential against F. proliferatum. T. harzianum showed higher antifungal potential 85%, as compared to the other tested strains.



在对旁遮普省五个地区的 16 个地点的商业观赏植物种植苗圃和景观进行调查期间,观察到了 romanzoffiana (Queen Palm) 的轴枯萎和植物枯萎。发现约 25% 的植物受该病害影响。将有症状的根和叶组织切片,表面灭菌,转移到 PDA 培养基上并在 26°C 下孵育。经常观察到带有棒状小分生孢子和细长形大分生孢子的白色至紫色真菌菌落色素沉着。基于形态培养特征,真菌分离物被鉴定为Fusarium proliferatum。对内部转录间隔区 (ITS) 区域和翻译延伸因子 1-α (TEF1-α) 区域进行测序以进行分子表征。基于两个研究位点的序列构建系统发育树,以探索研究的真菌分离物 FMB-FP-QP 在镰刀菌物种进化层次中的位置。在系统图中,该分离株明显与增殖镰刀菌菌株嵌套在一起。形态基因组学研究证明该分离物为增殖梭菌。将保存在 FMB-Culture Collection-UAF (FMB 0133) 中的特征培养物和生成的两个基因座的序列提交给 GenBank(ITS 的登录号为 MH557215;TEF1-α 的登录号为 MH568689)。Koch 的假设是通过应用 F. proliferatum 实现的,接种后三周开始叶子变黄,而六个月后出现轴一侧的萎黄或完全枯萎。这是首次报道的由 F. 引起的 Syagrus romanzoffiana 枯萎病的研究。巴基斯坦的增殖。评估了三种木霉属物种的四种菌株(一种 T. harzianum 菌株、两种 T. atroviridae 菌株和一种 T. viridae 菌株)对 F. proliferatum 的拮抗潜力。与其他测试菌株相比,哈茨木霉显示出更高的抗真菌潜力 85%。