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Assessing the potential of passive seismic receiver functions for ore body exploration
Geophysical Prospecting ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12992
Senad Subašić 1, 2, 3 , Nicola Piana Agostinetti 4 , Christopher J. Bean 1

ABSTRACT We use a passive seismic high‐frequency receiver function method to image the shallow structure around a mine site. This is a relatively new application of a standard method for mapping major discontinuities in the crust and upper mantle at a scale small enough to be relevant in an exploration context. Data collected in a 21‐instrument array is inverted for isotropic velocity structure. The retrieved velocities in the south‐eastern part of the array match very well with available sonic log measurements in the top 800 m. Based on the differences in receiver function behaviour for stations across the array, recovered velocity profiles and their similarity to sonic log measurements, the target area is split into two separate regions along a north‐northeast trending line that correlates well to the strike of the dominant structure in the area – the Navan Fault. Our results demonstrate the ability of receiver functions to provide both qualitative and quantitative information in an exploration environment.



摘要 我们使用被动地震高频接收器函数方法对矿场周围的浅层结构进行成像。这是一种标准方法的相对较新的应用,用于以足够小的比例绘制地壳和上地幔中的主要不连续性,以便与勘探环境相关。在 21 台仪器阵列中收集的数据针对各向同性速度结构进行了反演。阵列东南部的反演速度与顶部 800 m 中可用的声波测井测量结果非常匹配。基于阵列中台站接收器功能行为的差异、恢复的速度剖面及其与声波测井测量的相似性,目标区域沿着北-东北趋势线分为两个独立的区域,该趋势线与该地区的主导构造——纳文断层的走向密切相关。我们的结果证明了接收器函数在勘探环境中提供定性和定量信息的能力。