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Vertical structure and temporal variability of currents over the Chukchi Sea continental slope
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104805
Phyllis J. Stabeno , Ryan M. McCabe

Observations from a single mooring site on the northern Chukchi Sea continental slope near the 1000-m isobath are presented. This site was occupied consecutively for three years (spanning September 2014–August 2017). Vertically the flow divides into three depth ranges: the upper ~200 m, ~200–~850 m and near-bottom flow. In the upper ~200 m, the mean flow was northwestward and strongest in the summer months. During winter months, currents decreased in magnitude, and in some years even reversed in direction. Satellite-tracked drifter trajectories (drogue depth ~30 m) show this along-slope flow persists at least from 156 to 165 °W, with an average velocity of ~17 cm s−1. This northwestward flowing current is the Chukchi Slope Current. From ~250 m to ~850 m, the flow reversed; this weak flow is the Arctic-wide cyclonic boundary current advecting Atlantic Water. The mean flow at ~900 m is weak and on an annual time scale not significantly different from 0 cm s−1. It consists of Arctic deep water. In the upper two layers, currents vary on the scale of days to seasons, with short-term reversals common. Currents below 40 m were not significantly correlated with local winds nor wind stress curl. We hypothesize that the northwestward flowing Chukchi Slope Current is a consequence of dynamics associated with the Beaufort Gyre.



提出了从楚科奇海北部等坡线附近1000米处的单个系泊点进行的观测。该站点连续三年被占用(2014年9月至2017年8月)。在垂直方向上,水流分为三个深度范围:上部〜200 m,〜200–〜850 m和近底部的流量。在〜200 m的上部,平均流量是西北方向,夏季最强。在冬季,电流强度下降,甚至在几年内方向相反。卫星跟踪的漂流轨迹(通径深度约30 m)表明,这种沿斜坡流至少持续存在156至165°W,平均速度约为17 cm s -1。该西北向流动的电流是楚科奇斜坡电流。从〜250 m到〜850 m,流量反向;这种微弱的流动是北极的气旋边界流,流经大西洋水。〜900 m处的平均流量很弱,并且在一年的时间尺度上与0 cm s -1没有显着差异。它由北极深水组成。在上两层中,电流随天数到季节的大小而变化,短期反转很常见。40 m以下的水流与局部风或风应力卷曲没有显着相关。我们假设西北向流动的楚科奇斜坡电流是与波弗特涡旋相关的动力学的结果。
