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Data quality assessment of Diffusion Coefficient Measurements in ternary mIXtures 4 (DCMIX4) experiment
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.06.020
Aliaksandr Mialdun , Mounir M. Bou-Ali , Marco Braibanti , Fabrizio Croccolo , Ane Errarte , José Miguel Ezquerro , José Javier Fernández , Loreto García-Fernández , Quentin Galand , Yuri Gaponenko , Fina Gavaldà , Werner Köhler , Tatyana Lyubimova , José María Ortiz de Zárate , Jacobo Rodríguez , Xavier Ruiz , Ilya I. Ryzhkov , Marcel Schraml , Valentina Shevtsova , Stephan Van Vaerenbergh , Viktar Yasnou , Henri Bataller

Thermodiffusion, which leads to a component separation in a mixture due to the thermal gradient, still does not have an unambiguous microscopic picture. Therefore, experimental studies, especially in convection free environment , are important. As part of the 4th campaign on the DCMIX project, thermodiffusion experiments on three compositions of the toluene-methanol-cyclohexane ternary mixture, on a mixture of fullerene-tetralin-toluene and on a mixture of polystyrene-toluene-cyclohexane have been performed in microgravity conditions on board the International Space Station. A binary mixture of polystyrene-toluene has been filled into the companion cell for the campaign. The Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument (SODI), wich is a two-wavelength Mach-Zehnder interferometer for the ternary mixtures, plus a monochromatic Mach-Zehnder inter-ferometer for the binary mixture, has been used in order to obtain the temperature and the concentration fields in the cells. Precisely, it is a 5-steps phase-shifting interferometry technique which is implemented with SODI, producing by means of laser illumination a set of 5 phase-shifted images of /2 between them as function of the time. A total of 58 runs of various durations and at different mean temperatures have been conducted. Here, we evaluate the contrast of the interferograms, the quality in the phase stepping, the stability of the thermal regulation of the experiments and the level of environmental disturbances on board the space station during the campaign.


三元混合物 4 (DCMIX4) 实验中扩散系数测量的数据质量评估

由于热梯度导致混合物中组分分离的热扩散仍然没有明确的微观图像。因此,实验研究,特别是在无对流环境中,是很重要的。作为 DCMIX 项目第 4 次活动的一部分,在微重力下对甲苯-甲醇-环己烷三元混合物、富勒烯-四氢化萘-甲苯混合物和聚苯乙烯-甲苯-环己烷混合物的三种成分进行了热扩散实验国际空间站上的条件。已将聚苯乙烯-甲苯的二元混合物填充到该运动的配套电池中。可选光学诊断仪 (SODI),它是一种用于三元混合物的双波长马赫-曾德干涉仪,加上用于二元混合物的单色 Mach-Zehnder 干涉仪,已被用于获得细胞中的温度和浓度场。准确地说,它是一种用 SODI 实现的 5 步相移干涉测量技术,通过激光照射产生一组 5 个相移图像,它们之间的 /2 是时间的函数。总共进行了 58 次不同持续时间和不同平均温度的运行。在这里,我们评估了干涉图的对比度、相位步进的质量、实验热调节的稳定性以及运动期间空间站上的环境干扰水平。它是一种用 SODI 实现的 5 步相移干涉测量技术,通过激光照射产生一组 5 个相移图像,它们之间的 /2 是时间的函数。总共进行了 58 次不同持续时间和不同平均温度的运行。在这里,我们评估了干涉图的对比度、相位步进的质量、实验热调节的稳定性以及运动期间空间站上的环境干扰水平。它是一种用 SODI 实现的 5 步相移干涉测量技术,通过激光照射产生一组 5 个相移图像,它们之间的 /2 是时间的函数。总共进行了 58 次不同持续时间和不同平均温度的运行。在这里,我们评估了干涉图的对比度、相位步进的质量、实验热调节的稳定性以及运动期间空间站上的环境干扰水平。