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Solar Heat Supply in Russia
Applied Solar Energy Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.3103/s0003701x20020048
V. A. Butuzov , V. V. Butuzov , E. V. Bryantseva , I. S. Gnatyuk


While the total installed capacity of the world’s solar heat supply is 480 GW (600 million m2), it is 68 MW in Russia (85 000 m2). The study presents data on five major Soviet scientific solar engineering schools, four research and design institutes, and seven solar collector factories. It mentions the leaders of solar technology in the theoretical foundations (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) B.P. Weinberg), the designs of solar collectors (SCs) (Cand. Sci. (Tech.) B.V. Petukhov), solar thermal units (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) B.V. Tarnizhevskii, Dr. Sci. (Tech.) R.R. Avezov), design (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) M.D. Rabinovich, Cand. Sci. (Tech.) Yu.K. Rashidov). In Russia, research on solar radiation is carried out at the Moscow State University (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) A.A. Solovyev, Cand. Sci. (Econ.) K.S. Degtyarev), Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) O.S. Popel, Cand. Sci. (Tech.) S.E. Frid), and Kuban Agrarian University (Dr. Sci. (Tech.) V.A. Butuzov). The characteristics of SCs of two major Russian manufacturers are presented: NPO Mashinostroenie (Reutov, Moscow oblast) and NovyPolus (Moscow). Despite the SCs of these manufacturers having close dimensions, they differ in materials and techniques for manufacturing absorbers. The former use copper and aluminum welded absorbers, and the latter use only copper soldered absorbers. The characteristics of air and vacuum SCs of NovyPolus are presented. The study describes the technical solutions of the solar thermal unit (STU) with SCs of the NovyPolus with an area of 240 m2 in the village of Dederkoy in Tuapse in the Krasnodar krai; the cost structure with a payback period of 4.5 years is presented. The paper also presents the technical solutions of the STU with the SCs of NPO Mashinostroenie with an area of 100 m2 in the village of Arkhipo-Osipovka of the Krasnodar krai and the STU with an area of 72 m2 in the Sanatorium settlement of Yalta in the Crimea; the cost structure with a payback period of 7 to 20 years is described.




虽然世界太阳能供热的总装机容量为480 GW(6亿m 2),但俄​​罗斯为68 MW(85 000 m 2))。该研究报告提供了有关苏联五所主要太阳能科学工程学校,四个研究与设计机构以及七个太阳能集热器工厂的数据。它在理论基础中提到了太阳能技术的领导者(Dr. Sci。(Tech。)BP Weinberg),太阳能收集器(SCs)的设计(Cand。Sci。(Tech。)BV Petukhov),太阳能热能单元(Dr. BV Tarnizhevskii,科学博士(技术)RR Avezov),设计(科学博士(技术)MD Rabinovich,Cand。Sci。(技术)Yu.K。Rashidov)。在俄罗斯,太阳辐射的研究在莫斯科国立大学(博士(技术)AA索洛维耶夫,坎迪科学(经济)KS Degtyarev),俄罗斯科学院高温联合研究所(科学博士(技术)OS Popel,坎德科学技术(科学)SE Frid)和库班农业大学(科学博士(技术)VA Butuzov)。介绍了两个俄罗斯主要制造商的SC的特性:NPO Mashinostroenie(莫斯科州罗伊托夫市)和NovyPolus(莫斯科)。尽管这些制造商的SC尺寸接近,但它们在吸收体的制造材料和技术上却有所不同。前者使用铜和铝焊接的吸收器,而后者仅使用铜焊接的吸收器。介绍了NovyPolus的空气和真空SC的特性。这项研究描述了NovyPolus的SC太阳能热单元(STU)的技术解决方案,其面积为240 m 前者使用铜和铝焊接的吸收器,而后者仅使用铜焊接的吸收器。介绍了NovyPolus的空气和真空SC的特性。这项研究描述了NovyPolus的SC太阳能热单元(STU)的技术解决方案,其面积为240 m 前者使用铜和铝焊接的吸收器,而后者仅使用铜焊接的吸收器。介绍了NovyPolus的空气和真空SC的特性。该研究描述了NovyPolus的SC太阳能热单元(STU)的技术解决方案,其面积为240 m2位于克拉斯诺达尔边疆区图阿普斯(Tuapse)的Dederkoy村;提出了投资回收期为4.5年的成本结构。本文还介绍了位于克拉斯诺达尔边疆区Arkhipo-Osipovka村,面积为100 m 2的NPO Mashinostroenie SC的STU和位于雅尔塔疗养院的面积为72 m 2的STU的技术解决方案在克里米亚;描述了投资回收期为7至20年的成本结构。