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The proboscidean fauna (Mammalia) from the middle Miocene lignites of Gračanica near Bugojno (Bosnia–Herzegovina)
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12549-020-00436-1
Ursula B. Göhlich

Presented here is a middle Miocene proboscidean fauna—deinotheres and gomphotheres—from lignites of the coal mine in Gračanica (Bugojno Basin) in Bosnia–Herzegovina. The material, which exclusively comprises teeth (n = 42), is described and systematically discussed. The majority of the studied fossils represent Prodeinotherium bavaricum, but gomphotheres are also a common faunal element and are identified as Gomphotherium angustidens and tentatively as cf. Gomphotherium subtapiroideum. Noteworthy is the occurrence of an amebelodontine, identified as cf. Protanancus, and represented in the present material only by a single milk tooth. Protanancus is generally known from Africa and Asia and extremely rarely documented in southeastern Europe so far. The Gračanica fauna is supposed to correlate with the Mammalian Neogene unit late MN5 or early MN6.



这里展示的是波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那格拉桑尼卡(布戈尼诺盆地)煤矿的褐煤中的中新世前陆动物群-迪纳斯和冈菲斯。 描述并系统地讨论了仅包含牙齿(n = 42)的材料。大多数所研究的化石代表Prodeinotherium bavaricum,但嵌齿象科也是普通动物群元件和被识别为嵌齿象属angustidens并暂时作为比照 拟南芥Gomphotherium subtapiroideum。值得注意的是,确定为苯达莫定的发生。Protanancus,在本发明材料中仅以单个乳齿表示。普罗旺斯属该病通常在非洲和亚洲广为人知,迄今为止在欧洲东南部几乎没有记载。Gračanica动物区系应该与MN5晚期或MN6早期的哺乳动物新近系单元相关。