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Upper echelons research in marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-020-00724-4
Kimberly A. Whitler , Ben Lee , Ryan Krause , Neil A. Morgan

Marketing scholars have recently embraced the study of the corporate upper echelons—the executives and board members atop the organizational hierarchy. However, management scholars have researched the upper echelons for decades, with frequent forays into the marketing strategy domain. As a result of progressing in two separate disciplines, the literature on marketing strategy and the upper echelons is fragmented and disjointed. We develop an organizing framework to review extant research and assess and synthesize the knowledge in the upper echelons marketing strategy domain. Our review covers the 14 most influential marketing and management journals from 1984 through February, 2020. Given the relative newness of this research within marketing, we develop a conceptual model fusing existing theory in the upper echelons and marketing strategy literatures, and use this to identify key blind spots and underdeveloped areas of knowledge caused by the two fields’ independent evolutions. Finally, we also examine challenges associated with conducting research in this area and provide recommendations to help researchers and reviewers navigate these challenges to advance theory and practice.



营销学者最近开始研究公司高层——组织层级的高层管理人员和董事会成员。然而,管理学者研究上层数十年,频繁涉足营销战略领域。由于在两个独立学科中取得进展,有关营销策略和上层的文献变得支离破碎和脱节。我们开发了一个组织框架来审查现有的研究并评估和综合高层营销策略领域的知识。我们的评论涵盖了从 1984 年到 2020 年 2 月的 14 种最具影响力的营销和管理期刊。 鉴于这项研究在营销领域相对较新,我们开发了一个概念模型,融合了上层和营销策略文献中的现有理论,并以此来识别由两个领域独立演变引起的关键盲点和知识欠发达领域。最后,我们还研究了与在该领域开展研究相关的挑战,并提供建议以帮助研究人员和审阅者应对这些挑战以推进理论和实践。