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Parameterized Complexity of Independent Set in H-Free Graphs
Algorithmica ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s00453-020-00730-6
Édouard Bonnet , Nicolas Bousquet , Pierre Charbit , Stéphan Thomassé , Rémi Watrigant

In this paper, we investigate the complexity of Maximum Independent Set ( MIS ) in the class of H -free graphs, that is, graphs excluding a fixed graph as an induced subgraph. Given that the problem remains NP -hard for most graphs H , we study its fixed-parameter tractability and make progress towards a dichotomy between FPT and W [1]-hard cases. We first show that MIS remains W [1]-hard in graphs forbidding simultaneously $$K_{1, 4}$$ K 1 , 4 , any finite set of cycles of length at least 4, and any finite set of trees with at least two branching vertices. In particular, this answers an open question of Dabrowski et al. concerning $$C_4$$ C 4 -free graphs. Then we extend the polynomial algorithm of Alekseev when H is a disjoint union of edges to an FPT algorithm when H is a disjoint union of cliques. We also provide a framework for solving several other cases, which is a generalization of the concept of iterative expansion accompanied by the extraction of a particular structure using Ramsey’s theorem. Iterative expansion is a maximization version of the so-called iterative compression . We believe that our framework can be of independent interest for solving other similar graph problems. Finally, we present positive and negative results on the existence of polynomial (Turing) kernels for several graphs H .


H-Free 图中独立集的参数化复杂度

在本文中,我们研究了 H-free 图类中最大独立集 (MIS) 的复杂性,即不包括固定图作为诱导子图的图。鉴于对于大多数图 H 问题仍然是 NP-hard,我们研究了它的固定参数易处理性,并在 FPT 和 W [1]-hard 情况之间的二分法方面取得了进展。我们首先证明 MIS 在同时禁止 $$K_{1, 4}$$ K 1 , 4 、任何长度至少为 4 的有限循环集以及任何具有 at 的有限树集的图中仍然是 W [1]-hard至少两个分支顶点。特别是,这回答了 Dabrowski 等人的一个悬而未决的问题。关于 $$C_4$$ C 4 自由图。然后我们将当 H 是不相交边联合时的 Alekseev 多项式算法扩展到当 H 是不相交团联合时的 FPT 算法。我们还提供了解决其他几种情况的框架,这是迭代扩展概念的概括,伴随着使用拉姆齐定理提取特定结构。迭代扩展是所谓的迭代压缩的最大化版本。我们相信我们的框架可以独立解决其他类似的图问题。最后,我们给出了关于几个图 H 多项式(图灵)核的存在的正面和负面结果。我们相信我们的框架可以独立解决其他类似的图问题。最后,我们给出了关于几个图 H 多项式(图灵)核的存在的正面和负面结果。我们相信我们的框架可以独立解决其他类似的图问题。最后,我们给出了关于几个图 H 多项式(图灵)核的存在的正面和负面结果。