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Correction to Remdesivir: A Review of Its Discovery and Development Leading to Human Clinical Trials for Treatment of COVID-19.
ACS Central Science ( IF 12.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00747
Richard T Eastman , Jacob S Roth , Kyle R Brimacombe , Anton Simeonov , Min Shen , Samarjit Patnaik , Matthew D Hall

After publication of the original manuscript, we found that incorrect citations were used in two places in the manuscript in the section Development of Remdesivir. The correct citations with the full references below are as follows: “The study by Warren et al. found that GS-5734 reduced EBOV replication in HeLa cells with an IC50 ≈ 100 nM, and it retained potency in in vivo nonhuman primate EBOV infection models, while GS-441524 was inactive.75,47 In addition to demonstrating activity against EBOV, Agostini et al. showed that remdesivir also had antiviral activity against several other viruses, including the coronavirus MERS, with an IC50 of 340 nM in vitro.46” “In nonhuman primates, daily administration of 10 mg/kg of remdesivir yielded a short plasma half-life of the prodrug (t1/2= 0.39 h), but sustained intracellular levels of the triphosphate form.75” (46) Agostini, M. L.; Andres, E. L.; Sims, A. C.; Graham, R. L.; Sheahan, T. P.; Lu, X.; Smith, E. C.; Case, J. B.; Feng, J. Y.; Jordan, R.; Ray, A. S.; Cihlar, T.; Siegel, D.; Mackman, R. L.; Clarke, M. O.; Baric, R. S.; Denison, M. R. Coronavirus Susceptibility to the Antiviral Remdesivir (GS-5734) Is Mediated by the Viral Polymerase and the Proofreading Exoribonuclease. mBio 2018, 9 (2), e00221-18. (47) Madelain, V.; Baize, S.; Jacquot, F.; Reynard, S.; Fizet, A.; Barron, S.; Solas, C.; Lacarelle, B.; Carbonnelle, C.; Mentre, F.; Raoul, H.; de Lamballerie, X.; Guedj, J. Ebola viral dynamics in nonhuman primates provides insights into virus immuno-pathogenesis and antiviral strategies. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4013. (75) Warren, T. K.; et al. Therapeutic efficacy of the small molecule GS-5734 against Ebola virus in rhesus monkeys. Nature 2016, 531, 381–385. We regret these oversights and apologize to the cited researchers for the incorrect citation of their work. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.



原始手稿出版后,我们发现在Remdesivir的“开发”部分中,在手稿的两个地方使用了不正确的引用。正确的引用以及下面的完整参考如下:“沃伦等人的研究。发现,GS-5734减少EBOV复制在HeLa细胞中的IC 50 ≈100nm,并且它在保持效力体内非人灵长类EBOV感染模型,而GS-441524是无活性的。75,47除了展示出对EBOV的活性外,Agostini等人。结果表明,雷姆昔韦还对多种其他病毒(包括冠状病毒MERS)具有抗病毒活性,体外IC50为340 nM 。46”“在非人类灵长类动物中,每天服用10 mg / kg的瑞地西韦产生的前药的血浆半衰期短(t 1/2 = 0.39 h),但细胞内三磷酸形式的水平却维持不变。75英寸(46)Agostini,ML; EL,Andres;AC,Sims;格雷厄姆(RL);TP Sheahan;陆旭; EC,史密斯;案例,JB;冯建元 约旦河 雷,AS;Cihlar,T。西格尔(Siegel);RL,Mackman;密苏里州克拉克;RS,Baric;Denison,MR冠状病毒对病毒Remdesivir(GS-5734)的易感性是由病毒聚合酶和校对外切核酸酶介导的。姆比奥 20189(2),e00221-18。(47)马德琳(V.)S.Baize; Jacquot,F .;雷纳德,S。Fizet,A。巴伦(Barron)索拉斯(Solas)B.拉卡雷勒;Carbonnelle,C .;Mentre,F .;Raoul,H .; de Lamballerie,X .;Guedj,J.埃博拉病毒在非人类灵长类动物中的动力学提供了有关病毒免疫发病机制和抗病毒策略的见解。纳特 社区 20189,4013(75)沃伦,TK; 等。小分子GS-5734对恒河猴的埃博拉病毒的治疗功效。自然 2016531,381-385。对于这些疏忽,我们深表歉意,并对被引用的研究人员对其工作的错误引用表示歉意。本文尚未被其他出版物引用。