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Experimental study on filtering papermaking black liquor by dynamic blade crossflow membrane
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1515/npprj-2020-0019
Wenjie Zhao 1 , Junfei Wu 2 , Fushan Chen 2

Abstract The fundamental reason for the environmental pollution caused by the papermaking industry is the inadequate treatment of the black liquor. How to dispose of the lignin macromolecules, which is the main pollutants in the black liquor, is the key to addressing the environmental pollution. At present, cross-flow membrane filtration is one of the effective ways to retain and recycle lignin macromolecules in black liquor. The paper proposes the adoption of a dynamic blade cross-flow membrane filtration equipment provided by German BOKELA company to treat papermaking black liquor. The experiment shows that when the black liquor is treated with dynamic blade rotation cross-flow, the membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of nanofiltration (NP010) delivers the best retaining effect, with 28 % more lignin in black liquor than that in untreated black liquor. Meanwhile, when the blade rotational speed reaches 300 rpm and the transmembrane pressure is 0.5 or 2 bar, the flux of black liquor through nanofiltration NP010 is relatively desirable.



摘要 造纸行业造成环境污染的根本原因是对黑液处理不当。如何处置黑液中的主要污染物木质素大分子,是解决环境污染的关键。目前,错流膜过滤是保留和回收黑液中木质素大分子的有效方法之一。论文提出采用德国BOKELA公司提供的动态叶片错流膜过滤设备处理造纸黑液。实验表明,当采用动态叶片旋转错流处理黑液时,截留分子量为纳滤(NP010)的膜的截留效果最好,黑液中的木质素比未经处理的黑液多 28%。同时,当叶片转速达到300 rpm,跨膜压力为0.5或2 bar时,黑液通过纳滤NP010的通量比较理想。