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Reproductive biotechnology and critically endangered species: Merging in vitro gametogenesis with inner cell mass transfer
Theriogenology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.06.009
Joseph Saragusty 1 , Paolo Ajmone-Marsan 2 , Silvestre Sampino 3 , Jacek A Modlinski 3

A fifth of mammalian species face the risk of extinction. A variety of stresses, and lack of sufficient resources and political endorsement, mean thousands of further extinctions in the coming years. Once a species has declined to a mere few individuals, in situ efforts seem insufficient to prevent its extinction. Here we propose a roadmap to overcome some of the current roadblocks and facilitate rejuvenation of such critically endangered species. We suggest combining two advanced assisted reproductive technologies to accomplish this task. The first is the generation of gametes from induced pluripotent stem cells, already demonstrated in mice. The second is to 'trick' the immunological system of abundant species' surrogate mothers into believing it carries conceptus of its own species. This can be achieved by transferring the inner cell mass (ICM) of the endangered species into a trophoblastic vesicle derived from the foster mother's species. Such synthesis of reproductive biotechnologies, in association with in situ habitat conservation and societal changes, holds the potential to restore diversity and accelerate the production of animals in the most endangered species on Earth.



五分之一的哺乳动物物种面临灭绝的风险。各种压力,以及缺乏足够的资源和政治支持,意味着未来几年将有数千种物种进一步灭绝。一旦一个物种退化为少数个体,就地努力似乎不足以防止其灭绝。在这里,我们提出了一个路线图,以克服当前的一些障碍并促进这些极度濒危物种的复兴。我们建议结合两种先进的辅助生殖技术来完成这项任务。第一个是从诱导多能干细胞产生配子,这已经在小鼠身上得到了证明。第二个是“欺骗”丰富物种的代孕母亲的免疫系统,使其相信它带有自己物种的概念。这可以通过将濒危物种的内细胞团 (ICM) 转移到来自养母物种的滋养层囊泡中来实现。生殖生物技术的这种综合与原地栖息地保护和社会变化相结合,具有恢复多样性和加速地球上最濒危物种动物生产的潜力。