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What Drives the Erasure of Protected Areas? Evidence from across the Brazilian Amazon
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106733
Derya Keles , Philippe Delacote , Alexander Pfaff , Siyu Qin , Michael B. Mascia

Protected areas (PAs) are a widely used strategy for conserving forests and ecosystem services. When PAs succeed in deterring economic activities that degrade forests, the impacts include more forest yet less economic gain. These economic opportunity costs of conservation lead actors with economic interests to resist new PAs, driving their sites away from profitable market centers and towards areas featuring lower opportunity costs. Further, after PAs are created, economic actors may want PA downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (collectively PADDD). We examine reductions in PAs' spatial extent – downsizings (partial erasures) and degazettements (complete erasures) − that presumably reduce protection. Using data for the entire Brazilian Amazon from PADDDtracker.org, our empirical analyses explore whether size reductions from 2006 to 2015 resulted from bargaining between development and conservation. We find that the risks of PA size reductions are raised by: lower travel costs (as implied by distances to roads and cities), which affect economic gains and enforcement; greater PA size, which affects enforcement; and more prior internal deforestation, which lowers the impacts of size reductions. These dynamics of protection offer insights on the potentially conflicting factors that lead to PA size reductions, with implications for policymaking to enhance PA effectiveness and permanence.



保护区 (PA) 是一种广泛使用的保护森林和生态系统服务的战略。当保护区成功阻止使森林退化的经济活动时,其影响包括更多的森林但更少的经济收益。这些保护的经济机会成本导致具有经济利益的参与者抵制新的保护区,将他们的地点从有利可图的市场中心转移到机会成本较低的地区。此外,在创建 PA 之后,经济参与者可能希望 PA 降级、缩小规模和去中心化(统称为 PADDD)。我们研究了 PA 空间范围的减少——缩小规模(部分擦除)和去区块化(完全擦除)——这可能会减少保护。使用来自 PADDDtracker.org 的整个巴西亚马逊的数据,我们的实证分析探讨了 2006 年至 2015 年的规模减少是否是由于发展与保护之间的讨价还价所致。我们发现 PA 规模减少的风险因以下因素而增加: 较低的旅行成本(如到道路和城市的距离所暗示的),这会影响经济收益和执法;更大的 PA 规模,这会影响执法;以及更多的内部森林砍伐,这降低了规模减少的影响。这些保护动态提供了对导致 PA 规模减少的潜在冲突因素的见解,对提高 PA 有效性和持久性的政策制定具有影响。影响经济收益和执法的;更大的 PA 规模,这会影响执法;以及更多的内部森林砍伐,这降低了规模减少的影响。这些保护动态提供了对导致 PA 规模减少的潜在冲突因素的见解,对提高 PA 有效性和持久性的政策制定具有影响。影响经济收益和执法的;更大的 PA 规模,这会影响执法;以及更多的内部森林砍伐,这降低了规模减少的影响。这些保护动态提供了对导致 PA 规模减少的潜在冲突因素的见解,对提高 PA 有效性和持久性的决策具有影响。