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Geologic Context and Potential EVA Targets at the Lunar South Pole
Advances in Space Research ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2020.05.035
A.J. Gawronska , N. Barrett , S.J. Boazman , C.M. Gilmour , S.H. Halim , Harish , K. McCanaan , A.V. Satyakumar , J. Shah , H.M. Meyer , D.A. Kring

Abstract The lunar south pole is being targeted for exploration, in part, because it contains topographical high points with >50% illumination needed for solar power. Additionally, the south pole is being targeted because it contains permanently shadowed regions (PSRs), which may sequester resources in the form of volatile materials. Geologically, the pole lies on the rim of ~21 km diameter Shackleton crater, which is located on the topographic rim of the ~2,500 km diameter South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, the largest and oldest basin on the Moon. To prepare for future missions, we conducted a photogeologic analysis of the walls, rim, and ejecta of Shackleton crater. Two types of underlying (target) terrains were identified. The impact penetrated and exposed (1) purest anorthosite (PAN) representative of primitive crust and (2) a layered terrain that is likely a series of impact ejecta deposits that stratigraphically cover the crystalline crust. Crew performing extravehicular activities (EVAs) near the south pole may be able to sample PAN; impact melt from Shackleton, SPA, and other pre-Nectarian and Nectarian-age impacts; and polar regolith, including material from small PSRs that may contain volatile components. The topography in the south polar region is dramatic, often producing slopes in excess of 15°, creating mobility challenges for astronauts during EVAs.


月球南极的地质背景和潜在的 EVA 目标

摘要 月球南极成为探索的目标,部分原因是它包含地形高点,太阳能所需的光照度超过 50%。此外,南极也成为目标,因为它包含永久阴影区 (PSR),这可能会以挥发性材料的形式隔离资源。在地质上,该极点位于直径约 21 公里的沙克尔顿陨石坑的边缘,该陨石坑位于直径约 2,500 公里的南极-艾特肯 (SPA) 盆地的地形边缘,该盆地是月球上最大和最古老的盆地。为了为未来的任务做准备,我们对沙克尔顿陨石坑的壁、边缘和喷出物进行了光地质分析。确定了两种类型的潜在(目标)地形。撞击穿透并暴露了 (1) 代表原始地壳的最纯净的斜长岩 (PAN) 和 (2) 一个分层的地形,它可能是一系列地层覆盖结晶地壳的撞击喷出物沉积物。在南极附近进行舱外活动 (EVA) 的船员可能能够对 PAN 进行采样;沙克尔顿、SPA 和其他前 Nectarian 和 Nectarian 时代影响的影响融化;和极地风化层,包括来自可能含有挥发性成分的小型 PSR 的材料。南极地区的地形起伏很大,通常会产生超过 15° 的坡度,这给宇航员在 EVA 期间的机动性带来了挑战。沙克尔顿、SPA 和其他前 Nectarian 和 Nectarian 时代影响的影响融化;和极地风化层,包括来自可能含有挥发性成分的小型 PSR 的材料。南极地区的地形起伏很大,通常会产生超过 15° 的坡度,这给宇航员在 EVA 期间的机动性带来了挑战。沙克尔顿、SPA 和其他前 Nectarian 和 Nectarian 时代影响的影响融化;和极地风化层,包括来自可能含有挥发性成分的小型 PSR 的材料。南极地区的地形起伏很大,通常会产生超过 15° 的坡度,这给宇航员在 EVA 期间的机动性带来了挑战。