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Collegiate female athletes’ body image and clothing behaviors
Fashion and Textiles ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1186/s40691-020-0207-z
Mary Claire Nemeth , Huiju Park , Jane Mendle

This study investigated the body image experiences unique to collegiate female athletes in relation to their apparel wear. Female athletes (n = 36) participated in interview sessions, 3D body scanning, and photography of garment fit, and the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). Through Qualtrics, the MBSRQ was distributed to female college students nationwide, to obtain a larger participant pool (Lean sport athletes (n = 36), non-lean sport athletes (n = 42) and non-athletes (n = 101). Results indicated that both sports groups were most influenced by sport specific body ideals. Correlation of body image and athletic uniforms was more influenced by the fit of the uniform than by the categorization of the sport. Both lean and non-lean sport group participants expressed dissatisfaction in pant fit. 3D body scans revealed similar body proportions and shape between sports groups. MBSRQ results indicated no significant difference between sports groups but higher body image scores in comparison to non-athletes.



这项研究调查了大学女运动员在服装穿着方面独特的身体形象体验。女运动员(n = 36)参加了访谈,3D身体扫描和服装合影摄影,以及多维身体与自我关系问卷(MBSRQ)。通过Qualtrics,MBSRQ被分配给全国的女大学生,以获得更大的参与者群体(瘦体育运动员(n = 36),非瘦体育运动员(n = 42)和非运动员(n = 101)。表明两个运动组受特定运动理想的影响最大,身体形象和运动服的相关性更受运动服的合身性而非运动类别的影响,精益和非精益运动组的参与者均表示不满意。裤子合身。3D身体扫描显示运动组之间相似的身体比例和形状。MBSRQ结果表明,运动组之间无显着差异,但与非运动员相比,身体图像得分更高。