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Exchange of medicinal plant information in California missions.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-020-00388-y
Joe Rayl McBride 1 , Rita Yolanda Cavero 2 , Anna Liisa Cheshire 3 , María Isabel Calvo 4 , Deborah Lea McBride 5

Missions were established in California in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to convert Native Americans to Christianity and enculturate them into a class of laborers for Californios (Spanish/Mexican settler). The concentration of large numbers of Native Americans at the Missions, along with the introduction of European diseases, led to serious disease problems. Medicinal supplies brought to California by the missionaries were limited in quantity. This situation resulted in an opportunity for the sharing of knowledge of medicinal plants between the Native Americans and the Mission priests. The purpose of this study is to examine the degree to which such sharing of knowledge took place and to understand factors that may have influenced the sharing of medicinal knowledge. The study also examines the sharing of medicinal knowledge between the Native Americans and the Californios following the demise of the California Missions. Two methods were employed in the study: (1) a comparison of lists of medicinal plants used by various groups (e.g., Native American, Mission priests, Californios) prior to, during, and after the Mission period and (2) a close reading of diaries, reports, and books written by first-hand observers and modern authorities to find accounts of and identify factors influencing the exchange of medicinal information. A comparison of the lists of medicinal plants use by various groups indicated that only a small percentage of medicinal plants were shared by two or more groups. For example, none of the 265 taxa of species used by the Native Americans in pre-Mission times were imported into Spain for medicinal use and only 16 taxa were reported to have been used at the Missions. A larger sharing of information of medicinal plants took place in the post-Mission period when Native Americans were dispersed from the Missions and worked as laborers on the ranches of the Californios. Sharing of information concerning medicinal plants did occur during the Mission period, but the number of documented species was limited. A number of possible factors discouraged this exchange. These include (1) imbalance of power between the priests and the Native Americans, (2) suppression of indigenous knowledge and medical practices by the Mission priests, (3) language barriers, (4) reduction of availability of medicinal herbs around the Mission due to introduced agricultural practices, (5) desire to protect knowledge of medicinal herbs by Native American shaman, (6) administrative structure at the Missions which left little time for direct interaction between the priests and individual Native Americans, (7) loss of knowledge of herbal medicine by the Native Americans over time at the Missions, and (8) limited transportation opportunities for reciprocal the shipment of medicinal plants between California and Spain. Three possible factors were identified that contributed to a greater sharing of information between the Native Americans and the Californios in the post-Mission period. These were (1) more one-to-one interactions between the Californios and the Native Americans, (2) many of the Californios were mestizos whose mothers or grandmothers were Native Americans, and (3) lack of pressure on the part of the Californios to suppress Native American beliefs and medicinal practices.



十八世纪和十九世纪在加利福尼亚州建立了传教团,使美洲原住民皈依基督教,并将他们培养成加利福尼亚州(西班牙/墨西哥定居者)的劳工阶级。大量美洲原住民集中在传教区,加上欧洲疾病的传入,导致了严重的疾病问题。传教士带到加州的医药用品数量有限。这种情况为美洲原住民和宣教牧师之间分享药用植物知识提供了机会。本研究的目的是检查这种知识共享发生的程度,并了解可能影响医学知识共享的因素。该研究还探讨了加州传教团消亡后美洲原住民和加州人之间医学知识的共享。研究中采用了两种方法:(1) 比较不同群体(例如美洲原住民、宣教牧师、加利福尼亚州)在宣教期间和之后使用的药用植物清单;(2) 仔细阅读由第一手观察者和现代权威人士撰写的日记、报告和书籍,以查找记录并确定影响医学信息交换的因素。对不同群体使用的药用植物清单的比较表明,只有一小部分药用植物被两个或多个群体共享。例如,美洲原住民在传教之前使用的 265 个物种分类群中没有一个被进口到西班牙用于药用,并且据报道只有 16 个分类群在传教期间使用过。 药用植物信息的更大规模共享发生在传教结束后的时期,当时美洲原住民从传教团中分散出来,在加利福尼亚州的牧场上当劳工。任务期间确实发生了有关药用植物的信息共享,但记录在案的物种数量有限。许多可能的因素阻碍了这种交流。其中包括(1)牧师和美洲原住民之间的权力不平衡,(2)宣教牧师压制土著知识和医疗实践,(3)语言障碍,(4)由于宣教周围草药的供应减少引入农业实践,(5) 渴望保护美洲原住民萨满的药草知识,(6) 传教区的行政结构,几乎没有时间让牧师和美洲原住民个人进行直接互动,(7) 知识的丧失随着时间的推移,美洲原住民在传教区使用草药,(8) 加利福尼亚和西班牙之间药用植物相互运输的运输机会有限。确定了三个可能的因素,这些因素有助于在任务结束后美洲原住民和加利福尼亚人之间更多地共享信息。这些是(1)加州人和美洲原住民之间更多一对一的互动,(2)许多加州人是混血儿,其母亲或祖母是美洲原住民,以及(3)加州人缺乏压力压制美洲原住民的信仰和医学实践。