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Detection of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Based on Brain-Computer Interface.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine ( IF 2.809 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/4930972
Shi Qiu 1 , Junjun Li 2 , Mengdi Cong 3 , Chun Wu 4 , Yan Qin 4 , Ting Liang 2, 5

Solitary pulmonary nodules are the main manifestation of pulmonary lesions. Doctors often make diagnosis by observing the lung CT images. In order to further study the brain response structure and construct a brain-computer interface, we propose an isolated pulmonary nodule detection model based on a brain-computer interface. First, a single channel time-frequency feature extraction model is constructed based on the analysis of EEG data. Second, a multilayer fusion model is proposed to establish the brain-computer interface by connecting the brain electrical signal with a computer. Finally, according to image presentation, a three-frame image presentation method with different window widths and window positions is proposed to effectively detect the solitary pulmonary nodules.


