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Increasing the enhancement factor for DMD-based wavefront shaping.
Optics Letters ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1364/ol.394752
Kibum Nam , Jung-Hoon Park

Focusing through scattering media is a subject of great interest due to its direct impact in the field of biomedical optics. However, the greatest barrier currently limiting direct applications is the fact that most scattering media that we wish to deliver light through are dynamic. To focus or deliver light through dynamic scattering media, using a digital micromirror device (DMD) has been demonstrated to be a potential solution, as it enables fast modulation speeds. However, since a DMD is a binary amplitude modulator, the large number of controlled modes needed to acquire adequate focus enhancement has limited optimal usage. Here we demonstrate a novel (to the best of our knowledge) scheme to use the “thrown-away” components of light to effectively use a binary amplitude DMD as a binary phase modulator, thereby increasing the correction efficiency by a factor of two. Our concept can be applied to any iterative optimization algorithm and can speed up the iterative optimization process by increasing the enhancement factor, rather than the measurement or modulation speeds.


