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Managing Allium Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae): An Emerging Pest of Allium Crops in North America
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toaa128
Brian A Nault 1 , Lindsy E Iglesias 1 , Riley S Harding 1 , Ethan A Grundberg 2 , Teresa Rusinek 3 , Tim E Elkner 4 , Brandon J Lingbeek 5 , Shelby J Fleischer 5

Abstract Allium leafminer, Phytomyza gymnostoma Loew, is the newest invasive pest of allium crops in North America. Larvae initially feed in the upper canopy before mining toward the base of the plant to pupate. Crop loss occurs when larvae destroy vascular tissue, facilitating infection by bacterial and fungal pathogens that cause rot. Contamination also occurs when larvae and pupae are present at harvest. In response to this invasion, efficacy of 14 insecticide active ingredients applied via foliar sprays, transplant treatments, and drip chemigation was evaluated for managing P. gymnostoma. Multiple field studies were conducted in onions, leeks, and scallions in Pennsylvania and New York, United States in 2018 and 2019. The highest and most consistent levels of P. gymnostoma control occurred using foliar applications of dinotefuran, cyantraniliprole and spinetoram (84–89% reduction in damage; 95% reduction in P. gymnostoma densities). Despite the success of dinotefuran and cyantraniliprole applied as foliar sprays, neither was effective in controlling P. gymnostoma when administered via drip chemigation. Other foliar-applied insecticides that significantly reduced densities of P. gymnostoma in one or two experiments included abamectin, acetamiprid, cyromazine, imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, methomyl, and spinosad. Active ingredients that never controlled P. gymnostoma included azadirachtin, kaolin clay, pyrethrin, and spirotetramat. Spinosad applied to bare-root and plug-tray transplants immediately before transplanting reduced P. gymnostoma damage in the field by >90%. Implications of using these insecticides and application strategies are discussed within the context of developing a sustainable IPM program.


管理 Allium Leafminer(双翅目:Agromyzidae):北美葱属作物的一种新兴害虫

摘要 潜叶葱属Phytomyzagynostoma Loew是北美葱属作物的最新入侵害虫。幼虫最初在上部树冠中觅食,然后向植物底部挖掘以化蛹。当幼虫破坏维管组织,促进引起腐烂的细菌和真菌病原体感染时,就会发生作物损失。当收获时存在幼虫和蛹时也会发生污染。针对这种入侵,评估了 14 种杀虫剂活性成分通过叶面喷洒、移植处理和滴注化学施用于管理裸口假单胞菌的功效。2018 年和 2019 年,在美国宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州对洋葱、韭菜和大葱进行了多项实地研究。 叶面喷施呋虫胺,对裸线虫的控制水平最高和最一致。溴氰虫酰胺和多杀菌素(损害减少 84-89%;裸口假单胞菌密度减少 95%)。尽管呋虫胺和氰虫酰胺作为叶面喷雾应用取得了成功,但当通过滴注化学法给药时,两者都不能有效控制裸口假单胞菌。在一项或两项实验中,其他叶面施用的杀虫剂包括阿维菌素、啶虫脒、灭菌灵、吡虫啉、λ-三氯氟氰菊酯、灭多威和多杀菌素,这些杀虫剂可显着降低裸线虫的密度。从未控制过裸藻的活性成分包括印楝素、高岭土、除虫菊酯和螺虫乙酯。多杀菌素在移植前立即应用于裸根移植和栓塞托盘移植,将田间裸口假单胞菌的损害降低了 90% 以上。