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Covering the plane by a sequence of circular disks with a constraint
Computational Geometry ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.comgeo.2020.101680
Amitava Bhattacharya , Anupam Mondal

We are interested in the following problem of covering the plane by a sequence of congruent circular disks with a constraint on the distance between consecutive disks. Let (Dn)nN be a sequence of closed unit circular disks such that nNDn=R2 with the condition that for n2, the center of the disk Dn lies in Dn1. What is a “most economical” or an optimal way of placing Dn for all nN? We answer this question in the case where no “sharp” turn is allowed, i.e. if Cn is the center of the disk Dn, then for all n2, Cn1CnCn+1 is not very small.

We also consider a related problem. We wish to find out an optimal way to cover the plane with unit circular disks with the constraint that each disk contains the centers of at least two other disks. We find out the answer in the case when the centers of the disks form a two-dimensional lattice.



我们对以下问题感兴趣,这些问题是通过一系列连续圆盘覆盖平面,而连续圆盘之间的距离受到限制。让dñññ 是封闭单元圆盘的序列,使得 ññdñ=[R2 条件是 ñ2,磁盘的中心 dñ 在于 dñ-1个。什么是“最经济”或最佳放置方式dñ 对所有人 ññ?在不允许“尖锐”转弯的情况下(例如,如果Cñ 是磁盘的中心 dñ,那么对于所有人 ñ2Cñ-1个CñCñ+1个 不是很小。

