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q-Series congruences involving statistical mechanics partition functions in regime III and IV of Baxter’s solution of the hard-hexagon model
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13398-020-00890-8
Mircea Merca

For each $s\in\{2,4\}$, the generating function of $R_s(n)$, the number of partitions of $n$ into odd parts or congruent to $0$, $\pm s\pmod {10}$, arises naturally in regime III of Rodney Baxter's solution of the hard-hexagon model of statistical mechanics. For each $s\in\{1,3\}$, the generating function of $R^*_s(n)$, the number of partitions of $n$ into parts not congruent to $0$, $\pm s\pmod {10}$ and $10-2s \pmod {20}$, arises naturally in regime IV of Rodney Baxter's solution of the hard-hexagon model of statistical mechanics. In this paper, we investigate the parity of $R_s(n)$ and $R^*_s(n)$, providing new parity results involving sums of partition numbers $p(n)$ and squares in arithmetic progressions.


涉及巴克斯特硬六边形模型解的第三和第四阶段统计力学分配函数的 q 级同余

对于每个$s\in\{2,4\}$,$R_s(n)$的生成函数,将$n$分割成奇数部分或与$0$全等的个数,$\pm s\pmod { 10}$,自然出现在 Rodney Baxter 对统计力学的硬六边形模型的解决方案 III 中。对于每个$s\in\{1,3\}$,$R^*_s(n)$的生成函数,$n$分割成与$0$不一致的部分的数目,$\pm s\ pmod {10}$ 和 $10-2s \pmod {20}$,自然地出现在 Rodney Baxter 的统计力学硬六边形模型解的状态 IV 中。在本文中,我们研究了 $R_s(n)$ 和 $R^*_s(n)$ 的奇偶校验,提供了新的奇偶校验结果,涉及分区数 $p(n)$ 和算术级数中的平方之和。