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Conservation Biology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13561

Agricultural Resilience: Perspectives from Ecology and Economics . Gardner, S. M., S. J. Ramsden, and R. S. Hails, editors. 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 389 pp. £34.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐1‐107‐66587‐3.

Scientists and practitioners increasingly recognize that a diverse set of approaches is necessary to create resilient landscapes and tackle environmental challenges. This timely new book contains a comprehensive and engaging set of chapters that explore agricultural resilience through both an ecological and an economic lens. In 2 parts, a cross‐disciplinary set of contributors provides compelling evidence as to how biodiversity enhances the capacity of agricultural systems to buffer change and how biodiversity can be integrated into agricultural production and policy. The inclusion of commercial and smallholder agricultural case studies allows readers to understand how different agricultural contexts require different approaches for both measurement and enhancement of resilience. The book also includes lively discourse on ways of thinking about resilience that challenges assumptions and exposes potential philosophical pitfalls, such as the so‐called cult of complexity, whereby a problem is deemed too complex to successfully analyze. Indeed, the authors tackle complexity with enlightening clarity. The reader is thereby equipped, not only with creative and flexible tools to assess and enhance resilience, but also with knowledge to anticipate challenges in management of agricultural landscapes. By weaving together the ecological and economic perspectives, the authors expose readers to insight beyond their immediate fields. This welcome approach will be valued by scholars, students, and practitioners, who will see how improved landscape functioning and food security could come through learning from each other.

Wild Sea: A History of the Southern Ocean . McCann, J. 2019. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 256 pp. US$28.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐226‐62238‐5.

Wild Sea is a well‐researched, informative, and easy‐to‐digest book built on a vast archive of whaler's logbooks, scientific reports, stories, and myths to tell the environmental and cultural history of the mysterious Southern Ocean. Organized around natural features (e.g. ocean, wind, and ice) rather than a chronological path, the book has chapters that explore similar historical events, making it a little repetitive at times. Fortunately, each chapter tends to explore slightly different perspectives, which helps readers to embark on a journey from the heroic first polar expeditions, with their gale‐force winds and icy currents, to explorations of oceanic resources in the deep and along coastlines (e.g., whaling and sealing). Beautifully written with a poet's tongue and dramatic touches in many passages, the author, Joy McCann, brings her own impressions and descriptions that embellish the vivid sense of how wild and challenging this ocean can be. A good selection of drawings, photographs, and particularly the maps is of great use as readers will often need to consult them as they journey with the author. Wild Sea is a highly recommended introduction to anyone interested in the history of the Southern Ocean, and it will ultimately raise a broader awareness of the vulnerability of its inhabitants, from tiny krill to majestic whales and albatrosses, and its emerging importance as a barometer of planetary climate change.

Nga Uruora. The Groves of Life. Ecology and History in a New Zealand Landscape . Park, G. 2018. Victoria University Press, Wellington, New Zealand. 478 pp. NZ$30.00 (paperback). ISBN 978‐1‐77656‐200‐8.

In the early descriptions, New Zealand was often characterized as the land of forests, which was correct: 80% of the islands were forested. What even New Zealanders often fail to recognize is that the early sailors gained this impression from the majestic lowland forests of podocarps and southern beeches in nearshore areas. This clear‐sighted, courageous, and informative book was first published in 1995 and is now reprinted as a classic of the New Zealand ecological literature. At its first printing, the book was a path‐breaking analysis of the fate of the now‐vanished coastal forests in fertile plains that combined natural and social history with Park's personal experience during visits to the remnants of these magnificent forests. Using 6 forest‐site examples, from the kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides ) at the Thames River estuary on the North Island to the sandplain forest near Punakaiki on the West Coast of the South Island, he meticulously discusses the ecological character of each place and its history, both from Maori and Pakeha perspectives. Rich in detail, weaving together impressions of personal visits, studies of archive documents, interviews with kaitiaki, Maori guardians of these sites of spiritual importance, and descendants of white settlers, it articulates, with a gentle but steely determination, the enormous damage done. A classic eye‐opener.

Championing Science: Communicating Your Ideas to Decision Makers . Aines, R. D., and A. L. Aines 2019. University of California Press, Oakland, CA. xvi + 252 pp. US$29.95 (paperback). ISBN 9780520298095.

Communicating science can be arduous because many scientists are not trained to explain their research, particularly to nonscientists. This book partially fills this gap. In 4 parts, the fundamentals of scientific communication, how to deliver messages effectively, how to improve speaking skills, and how to behave in specific situations (e.g., when a talk is being translated or when a presentation template is required) are examined. At the end, a practical summary of the key messages and a chapter with a few exercises are provided. Useful suggestions are included, but good examples are not always offered. Readers should ignore the chapter on how to design effective graphics; the approach is entirely wrong. The part where the authors explain what to consider when you have to give a talk and how to control your emotions—a rarely regarded topic—is very useful. As the authors comment, this book is intended to instruct scientists on how to communicate with informed decision makers. It could be a fruitful read for scientists who frequently have to deal with stakeholders, such as applied ecologists and conservation biologists who need to convince policy makers or funding agencies.

Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction . Healy, K. 2019. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. xx + 276 pp. US$40.00 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐18‐162‐2.

Scientists need to visualize their data to explore and understand them and to communicate them to other scientists. The ggplot2 package of the free software R—the focus of this book—is currently the most powerful graphical tool available. Its layered grammar of graphics empowers one to produce complex graphs by adding simple pieces of code in a step‐by‐step fashion. This book begins by presenting some of the most important lessons learned from Edward Tufte and William Cleveland, 2 luminaries of graphical design theory. A necessary, though minimal introduction to R precedes the first explanation about how to make simple graphs, which is a soft and clear introduction to the syntax of ggplot2. The chapter on multifactor graphs provides several interesting real‐data examples from the social sciences that are also useful for scientists from other fields. The most compelling evidence for the advantage of ggplot2 appears in the last 3 chapters, where the author shows how to produce beautiful outputs from statistical models, how to draw maps, and more importantly, how to fine‐tune graphs. An appendix showing more on the usage of R and the packages tidyverse and rmarkdown completes the book. The author provides useful exercises throughout that warrant attentive study. Undoubtedly, this book is an excellent introduction to an essential tool for anyone who needs to collect and present data.

Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science . Brennan, L. A., A. N. Tri, and B. G. Marcot, editors. 2019. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. xxii+326 pp. US$74.95 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐1‐421431079.

Statistical literacy is a requirement for every scientist. Instruments for collecting large amounts of data are increasingly common, and powerful computers allow analyses that just a few decades ago were prohibitively computer intensive. Statistical methods have advanced in parallel, and except for some evergreen methods, most current methods may be new to many ecologists. This book aims to introduce graduate students to essential and state‐of‐the‐art quantitative analyses and to update active wildlife researchers on techniques they may be unfamiliar with. Virtually all examples are for terrestrial ecologists. The author discusses regression and multivariate analyses, estimation of abundances, dynamic modelling, spatial statistics, and novel methods, such as Bayesian analysis of molecular genetics data, machine learning, and causal modeling. Many equally important methods, such as the logistic regression and species distribution modeling, that are related to the topics covered were left out; hence, this cannot be considered a comprehensive introduction. Although the fundamentals are covered comprehensively, the lack of practical examples means students with no background in statistics will find it a difficult read. Moreover, if you are looking for a cookbook of statistics for a particular software, this book is not for you. Available programs and relevant literature are always mentioned, but the scripts to run the analysis are rarely given. Wisely, the editors remind us that old techniques are not necessarily worse than novel ones. No matter when a statistical method was introduced, we ought to analyze our data properly to convincingly communicate the results of our research.



农业韧性:生态经济学的视角。Gardner,SM,SJ Ramsden和RS Hails编辑。2019.剑桥大学出版社,英国剑桥。389页,售价£34.99(平装)。ISBN 978-1-107-66587-3。


野海:南部海洋的历史。McCann,J.2019。芝加哥大学出版社,伊利诺伊州芝加哥 256页,US $ 28.00(精装)。ISBN 978-0-226-62238-5。

狂野的海 是一本经过精心研究,信息丰富且易于理解的书,建立在大量捕鲸者的日志,科学报告,故事和神话档案上,以讲述神秘的南大洋的环境和文化历史。该书围绕自然特征(例如海洋,风和冰)而不是按时间顺序排列,其各章探讨了类​​似的历史事件,因此有时会有些重复。幸运的是,每一章都倾向于探索略有不同的观点,这有助于读者踏上从英勇的第一极地探险,烈风和冰流到深海和沿海岸线海洋资源探索的旅程(例如,捕鲸和密封)。作者乔伊·麦肯(Joy McCann)带着自己的印象和描述,使人对海洋的野性和挑战性充满了鲜明的印象。很好的选择图纸,照片,尤其是地图非常有用,因为读者在与作者一起旅行时经常需要查阅它们。强烈建议向对南大洋历史感兴趣的任何人介绍“野生海”,它最终将使人们更加了解其居民的脆弱性,从细小的磷虾到雄伟的鲸鱼和信天翁,以及它作为海洋晴雨表的重要地位而日益重要。行星气候变化。

Nga Uruora。生命之树。新西兰景观中的生态与历史。Park,G.2018。维多利亚大学出版社,新西兰惠灵顿。478页.NZ $ 30.00(平装)。ISBN 978-1-77656-200-8。

在早期的描述中,新西兰通常被描述为森林之地,这是正确的:80%的岛屿都被森林覆盖。甚至新西兰人也常常不认识的是,早期的航海者从近岸地区的罗汉松和罗汉松的雄伟低地森林中获得了这种印象。这本见解清晰,勇敢而又内容丰富的书于1995年首次出版,如今已作为新西兰生态文学的经典重印。该书首次印刷时,是对如今肥沃的平原上消失的沿海森林的命运进行的开创性分析,结合了自然和社会历史以及帕克在参观这些宏伟森林残余时的亲身经历。使用来自kahikatea(Dacrycarpus dacrydioides的6个森林现场示例)在北岛的泰晤士河河口到南岛西海岸的普纳卡基附近的平原森林附近,他从毛利人和帕克哈的角度精心讨论了每个地方的生态特征及其历史。内容详尽,将个人访问的印象,对档案文件的研究,对kaitiaki的采访,对这些具有重要精神意义的地点的毛利人监护人以及白人定居者的后代编织在一起,以温和但坚定的决心表达了所造成的巨大破坏。经典的大开眼界。

倡导科学:与决策者交流您的想法。Aines,RD和AL Aines2019。加利福尼亚大学出版社,加利福尼亚州奥克兰。xvi + 252页,US $ 29.95(平装)。ISBN 9780520298095。


数据可视化:实用介绍。希利,K.,2019年。普林斯顿大学出版社,新泽西州普林斯顿。xx + 276页,US $ 40.00(平装)。ISBN 978-0-691-18-162-2。


野生动物科学的定量分析。洛杉矶Brennan,AN Tri和BG Marcot,编辑。2019.约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,美国马里兰州巴尔的摩xxii + 326 pp.74.95美元(精装)。ISBN 978-1-421431079。

