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Cultural neuroscience and the research domain criteria: Implications for global mental health.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.06.005
Joan Y Chiao 1 , Shu-Chen Li 2 , Robert Turner 3 , Su Yeon Lee-Tauler 4

A comprehensive understanding of the basic molecular and cellular mechanisms of the brain is important for the scientific discovery of root causes, risk and protective factors for mental disorders in global mental health. Systematic research in cultural neuroscience within the research domain criteria (RDoC) framework investigates the fundamental biobehavioral dimensions and observable behavior across cultures. Cultural dimensions are characterized in elements of circuit-based mechanisms and behavior across a range of analysis. Research approaches in cultural neuroscience within the RDoC framework advance the evidence-based resources for the development and implementation of cures, preventions and interventions to mental disorders in global mental health. This review presents a novel synthesis of foundations in cultural neuroscience within the research domain criteria framework to advance integrative, translational efforts in discovery and delivery science of mental disorders across cultural contexts in global mental health.



