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Mapping collaboration in international coffee certification research
Scientometrics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03549-8
Lilian Cervo Cabrera , Carlos Eduardo Caldarelli , Marcia Regina Gabardo da Camara

This article aims to map scientific production and cooperation networks on the theme of certified coffee in the Scopus and Web of Science databases for the period from 2009 to 2019. To this end, bibliometric analysis tools are used—collaborative networks, co-citation, co-authorship and bibliographic coupling—on a set of 209 articles from Scopus and 306 articles from the Web of Science database. The results of this study allow us to conclude that although the scientific production on coffee and certification has increased in Scopus and Web of Science during the last decade, the research on the theme has a low prevalence of collaborative networks and is concentrated in a small number of journals. It is noteworthy that environmental and sustainability studies play a leading role, while there is a scarcity of studies in the economic area.



本文旨在绘制 2009 年至 2019 年 Scopus 和 Web of Science 数据库中以认证咖啡为主题的科学生产和合作网络。 - 作者和书目耦合——来自 Scopus 的 209 篇文章和来自 Web of Science 数据库的 306 篇文章。本研究的结果使我们得出结论,尽管在过去十年中,Scopus 和 Web of Science 中关于咖啡和认证的科学成果有所增加,但该主题的研究在协作网络的普及率较低,并且集中在少数的期刊。值得注意的是,环境和可持续性研究发挥了主导作用,而经济领域的研究却很少。