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Quantum Erasure Using Entangled Surface Acoustic Phonons
Physical Review X ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.10.021055
A. Bienfait , Y. P. Zhong , H.-S. Chang , M.-H. Chou , C. R. Conner , É. Dumur , J. Grebel , G. A. Peairs , R. G. Povey , K. J. Satzinger , A. N. Cleland

Using the deterministic, on-demand generation of two entangled phonons, we demonstrate a quantum eraser protocol in a phononic interferometer where the which-path information can be heralded during the interference process. Omitting the heralding step yields a clear interference pattern in the interfering half-quanta pathways; including the heralding step suppresses this pattern. If we erase the heralded information after the interference has been measured, the interference pattern is recovered, thereby implementing a delayed-choice quantum erasure. The test is implemented using a closed surface acoustic wave communication channel into which one superconducting qubit can emit itinerant phonons that the same or a second qubit can later recapture. If the first qubit releases only half of a phonon, the system follows a superposition of paths during the phonon propagation: either an itinerant phonon is in the channel or the first qubit remains in its excited state. These two paths are made to constructively or destructively interfere by changing the relative phase of the two intermediate states, resulting in a phase-dependent modulation of the first qubit’s final state, following interaction with the half-phonon. A heralding mechanism is added to this construct, entangling a heralding phonon with the signaling phonon. The first qubit emits a phonon herald conditioned on the qubit being in its excited state, with no signaling phonon, and the second qubit catches this heralding phonon, storing which-path information which can either be read out, destroying the signaling phonon’s self-interference, or erased.



使用确定性的按需生成的两个纠缠声子,我们在声子干涉仪中演示了一种量子擦除器协议,其中在干涉过程中可以预示哪个路径信息。省略预示步骤可在干扰的半量子途径中产生清晰的干扰模式。包括预示步骤可以抑制这种模式。如果我们在之后删除先驱信息如果已经测量了干扰,则恢复了干扰模式,从而实现了延迟选择量子擦除。该测试是使用封闭的表面声波通信通道执行的,一个超导量子位可以向其中发射流动的声子,随后又可以捕获相同或另一个量子位的流动声子。如果第一个量子位仅释放一个声子的一半,则系统将在声子传播过程中遵循路径的叠加:流动的声子位于通道中,或者第一个量子位保持其激发态。通过改变两个中间状态的相对相位,可以使这两个路径相长或相消地进行干涉,从而在与半声子相互作用之后,对第一量子位的最终状态进行依赖于相位的调制。先驱机制已添加到此构造中,使发声声子与信号声子纠缠在一起。第一个量子比特发出一个以量子比特处于激发态为条件的声子先驱,没有信号声子,第二个量子比特捕获了这个先驱声子,存储了可以被读出的路径信息,破坏了信号声子的自干扰。 ,或删除。