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Footprints of large theropod dinosaurs in the Middle–UpperJurassic (lower Callovian–lower Tithonian) Walloon Coal Measures of southern Queensland, Australia
Historical Biology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2020.1772252
Anthony Romilio 1 , Steven W. Salisbury 2 , Andréas Jannel 2


Dinosaur tracks associated with coal-mines of the Middle to Upper Jurassic (Callovian–Tithonian) Walloon Coal Measures (Clarence–Morton Basin) have been reported on more than any other track-bearing formation in Australia, yet due to the brevity of ichnological information, remain poorly known. All these tracks were found in sediments directly above coal seams in the ceilings of subterranean mines. This style of mining ceased more than a quarter of a century ago, and with many of the original mines having been back-filled or closed, ichnological investigations are restricted to the study of museum specimens and archival photographs. Here, we consolidate data from the literature, present previously unpublished archival photographs, and show the 3D topography of all accessioned track specimens from the Walloon Coal Measures. We recognise eleven track-bearing sites, most of which produced large (length of 30–50 cm) and very large (length greater than 50 cm) sized theropod tracks, including Australia’s largest carnivorous dinosaur footprint (79 cm long). The domination of theropod tracks is unique among Australian dinosaur tracksites. In light of the absence of near coveal body-fossil candidates, the Walloon Coal Measures ichnofaunal assemblages fills significant gaps in our understanding of Australia's Jurassic dinosaur fauna.




与中至上侏罗纪(卡洛夫-提通阶)瓦隆煤系(克拉伦斯-莫顿盆地)的煤矿相关的恐龙足迹已被报道超过澳大利亚任何其他带轨道的地层,但由于技术信息的简洁性,仍然鲜为人知。所有这些痕迹都是在地下矿井天花板煤层正上方的沉积物中发现的。这种采矿方式在 25 年前就停止了,由于许多原始矿山已经回填或关闭,因此考古调查仅限于对博物馆标本和档案照片的研究。在这里,我们整合了文献中的数据,展示了以前未发表的档案照片,并展示了所有来自瓦隆煤系的轨道标本的 3D 地形。我们确认了 11 个足迹遗址,其中大部分产生了大型(长度为 30-50 厘米)和非常大(长度大于 50 厘米)大小的兽脚类恐龙足迹,包括澳大利亚最大的食肉恐龙足迹(79 厘米长)。兽脚类恐龙足迹的统治在澳大利亚恐龙足迹中是独一无二的。鉴于缺乏近珊瑚体化石候选物,瓦隆煤系地层动物组合填补了我们对澳大利亚侏罗纪恐龙动物群的理解的重大空白。
