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Disentangling stimulus and response compatibility as potential sources of backward crosstalk.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.3758/s13414-020-02039-6
Tobias Rieger 1 , Jeff Miller 2

In two experiments (N= 60 each), we investigated the locus of backward crosstalk effects in dual tasking. Specifically, we embedded the typical flanker task within a dual-task paradigm by assigning stimulus-response (S-R) rules to the flankers. In Experiment 1, participants were instructed to first respond to the center letter and only respond to the flanker if the center was a no-go stimulus (i.e., prioritized processing paradigm). Mapping condition was varied between-subjects to be either matched (i.e., same S-R rule for flankers as for center letters), reversed (i.e., opposite S-R rule for flankers), or neutral (i.e., different letters for flankers with separate S-R rules). The results indicated that the backward crosstalk effect was mainly driven by a stimulus-based compatibility, as indicated by a significant S2−R1 compatibility effect in the matched and reversed conditions, with little change in this effect between the matched and reversed conditions. Experiment 2 replicated and extended these findings to a psychological refractory period paradigm. The present findings suggest that in the matched and reversed conditions, there was only one S-R rule active at a time.



在两个实验(Ñ= 60个),我们研究了双重任务中反向串扰影响的原因。具体来说,我们通过将刺激响应(SR)规则分配给侧翼,将典型的侧翼任务嵌入到双任务范式中。在实验1中,指示参与者首先响应中心字母,并且仅在中心是不参与刺激的情况下(即优先处理范式)才响应侧翼。映射条件因对象而异,可以匹配(即,针对侧翼的SR规则与中心字母相同),颠倒(即针对侧翼的SR规则)或中立(即针对具有单独SR规则的侧翼的不同字母) 。结果表明,反向串扰效应主要由基于刺激的相容性驱动,如明显的S 2 -R所示。在匹配和反向条件下的兼容性效果为1,而在匹配和反向条件下此效果几乎没有变化。实验2将这些发现复制并扩展到心理不应期范式。目前的发现表明,在匹配和逆转的条件下,一次只有一个SR规则处于活动状态。
