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Plasmid-Determined Colistin Resistance in the North African Countries: A Systematic Review.
Microbial Drug Resistance ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2019.0471
Abdelaziz Touati 1 , Assia Mairi 1

We have conducted a systematic review to update available information on plasmid-mediated colistin resistance (mobilized colistin resistance [mcr]) genes in North African countries. We have searched the articles of PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases reporting plasmid-mediated colistin resistance bacteria isolated in North African countries. After searching and selection, 30 studies that included 208 mcr-positive isolates were included. Different mcr-positive strains frequencies were recorded and ranged from 2% in clinical isolates to 12.3% in environmental samples. Escherichia coli was the predominant species recorded and these microorganisms showed high resistance to ciprofloxacin and cotrimoxazole. IncHI2 plasmids are probably the key vectors responsible for the dissemination of mcr genes in these countries. This review highlighted that the mcr-positive isolates are circulating in different ecological niches with different frequencies. Therefore, actions should be implemented to prevent the dissemination of the mcr genes within and outside of these countries, such as microbiological and molecular surveillance programs and restriction use of colistin in farming.



我们进行了系统审查,以更新有关北非国家质粒介导的粘菌素抗性(动员粘菌素抗性 [ mcr ])基因的可用信息。我们搜索了 PubMed、Scopus 和 Web of Science 数据库中报告在北非国家分离出的质粒介导的粘菌素抗性细菌的文章。经过搜索和选择,包括 208 个mcr阳性分离株的30 项研究被纳入。记录了不同的mcr阳性菌株频率,范围从临床分离株中的 2% 到环境样品中的 12.3%。大肠杆菌是记录的主要物种,这些微生物对环丙沙星和复方新诺明显示出高度耐药性。IncHI2 质粒可能是负责在这些国家传播mcr基因的关键载体。本综述强调mcr阳性分离株在不同生态位中以不同频率循环。因此,应采取行动防止mcr基因在这些国家内外的传播,例如微生物和分子监测计划以及限制在农业中使用粘菌素。