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Brazilian peppertree and mangrove species response to foliar-applied novel auxin-type herbicides
Invasive Plant Science and Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-05 , DOI: 10.1017/inp.2020.14
Stephen F. Enloe , James K. Leary , Candice M. Prince , Benjamin P. Sperry , Dwight K. Lauer

Brazilian peppertree (Schinus terebinthifoliaRaddi) is an invasive shrub that is problematic in both freshwater wetlands and brackish mangrove communities. The complex structure, geographic remoteness, and general herbicide sensitivity of mangrove systems have resulted in great technical challenges for managers attempting selectiveS. terebinthifoliacontrol. Recent advances in auxin herbicide technologies warrant herbicide screening to address this growing problem. Therefore, greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 to evaluate four non-target mangrove species andS. terebinthifoliaresponse to the three herbicides: aminocyclopyrachlor, aminopyralid, and florpyrauxifen-benyzl. Aminocyclopyrachlor controlledS. terebinthifolia, but was highly injurious to black mangrove [Avicennia germinans(L.) L.], red mangrove (Rhizophora mangleL.), white mangrove [Laguncularia racemosa(L.) C.F. Gaertn.], and buttonwood mangrove (Conocarpus erectusL.). Aminopyralid also controlledS. terebinthifoliabut its impact varied across mangrove species.Laguncularia racemosaandC. erectuswere highly sensitive to aminopyralid,R. mangleexhibited dose-dependent tolerance, andA. germinanswas highly tolerant. Florpyrauxifen-benzyl failed to controlS. terebinthifoliaand resulted in severe injury to all four mangrove species. These results indicate differential responses to newer auxins in both the target response and non-target plant community of interest. The efficacy of aminopyralid onS. terebinthifolia, coupled with its selectivity onA. germinanswarrants further testing.



巴西胡椒树 (石竹Raddi) 是一种侵入性灌木,在淡水湿地和半咸水红树林群落中都存在问题。红树林系统的复杂结构、地理位置偏远和对除草剂的一般敏感性给尝试选择性除草剂的管理人员带来了巨大的技术挑战。S. terebinthifolia控制。生长素除草剂技术的最新进展需要通过除草剂筛选来解决这一日益严重的问题。因此,在 2018 年和 2019 年进行了温室实验,以评估四种非目标红树林物种和S. terebinthifolia对三种除草剂的反应:氨基环草胺、氨基吡草胺和氟吡草醚苄酯。氨基环吡草胺受控S. terebinthifolia,但对黑红树有很大的伤害[雏鸟(L.) L.], 红树林 (根瘤菌L.), 白红树 [总状花序(L.) CF Gaertn.] 和梧桐红树林 (锥果L.)。氨基吡啶也受控S. terebinthifolia但其影响因红树林物种而异。总状花序直立人对氨基吡啶高度敏感,R. mangle表现出剂量依赖性耐受性,并且A.germinans非常宽容。Florpyrauxifen-benzyl 未能控制S. terebinthifolia并导致所有四种红树林物种受到严重伤害。这些结果表明在目标响应和非目标植物群落中对新生长素的不同响应。氨苄啶的功效与作用S. terebinthifolia,再加上它的选择性A.germinans值得进一步测试。