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Incorporating Māori values into land management decision tools
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2020.1772322
Shannan K. Crow 1 , Gail T. Tipa 2 , Kyle D. Nelson 2 , Amy L. Whitehead 1

ABSTRACT Environmental sustainability and the long-term wellbeing of Māori (the indigenous people of New Zealand) are interdependent and degradation of landscapes risks the progressive degradation of Māori wellbeing. The present study developed an analysis framework based on Ki Uta Ki Tai (holistic-mountains to the sea- management philosophy advocated by Ngāi Tahu) for exploring relationships between landcover and Māori values to enable predictions of cultural values through space and time. We used this framework to predict how two Māori values (Overall Health and Cultural Land Use) have been altered as a result of landcover change between 2001–2012 in three Canterbury catchments. The area of native vegetation declined while exotic pasture increased between 2001–2012, and there were corresponding declines in both cultural health scores. These results suggest that the change in landcover has reduced the ability of the landscape to support Māori values. This framework for assessing changes in Māori values with respect to changing environmental conditions may identify opportunities for Māori to better engage in land use management decisions.



摘要 环境可持续性和毛利人(新西兰土著人民)的长期福祉是相互依存的,景观退化有可能使毛利人的福祉逐渐退化。本研究开发了一个基于 Ki Uta Ki Tai(从整体山到 Ngāi Tahu 倡导的海洋管理哲学)的分析框架,用于探索土地覆盖和毛利价值观之间的关系,以便通过空间和时间预测文化价值观。我们使用这个框架来预测两个毛利人的价值(总体健康和文化土地利用)是如何因 2001-2012 年三个坎特伯雷流域的土地覆盖变化而改变的。2001-2012 年,本土植被面积减少,而外来牧场增加,文化健康得分也相应下降。这些结果表明,土地覆盖的变化降低了景观支持毛利人价值观的能力。这一评估毛利人价值观随环境条件变化而变化的框架可能会为毛利人提供更好地参与土地使用管理决策的机会。