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Ensuring the reproductive rights of women with intellectual disability
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2020.1762383
Nicole Agaronnik 1 , Elizabeth Pendo 2 , Tara Lagu 3, 4 , Christene DeJong 3 , Aixa Perez-Caraballo 3 , Lisa I Iezzoni 1, 5


Background: Women with intellectual disability experience disparities in sexual and reproductive health care services.

Methods: To explore perceptions of caring for persons with disability, including individuals with intellectual disability, we conducted open-ended individual interviews with 20 practising physicians and three video-based focus group interviews with an additional 22 practising physicians, which reached data saturation. Interviews were transcribed verbatim. We used conventional content analysis methods to analyse transcripts.

Result: Physicians indicated that intellectual disability can pose challenges to providing sexual and reproductive health care. Observations coalesced around four themes: (1) communication; (2) routine preventive care; (3) contraception and sterilisation; and (4) conception and parenthood. Observations raised concerns about equity of access to reproductive care for women with intellectual disability.

Conclusions: In our sample of physicians, we found attitudes that might compromise reproductive care for women with intellectual disability, suggesting that gaps remain in ensuring reproductive rights of women with intellectual disability.





方法:为了探索照顾残疾人(包括智障人士)的看法,我们对 20 名执业医师进行了开放式个人访谈,并对另外 22 名执业医师进行了三个基于视频的焦点小组访谈,达到了数据饱和。采访被逐字转录。我们使用传统的内容分析方法来分析成绩单。

结果:医生表示,智力残疾可能对提供性健康和生殖健康保健构成挑战。观察围绕四个主题:(1)交流;(2) 日常预防保健;(三)避孕和绝育;(4) 受孕和为人父母。观察结果提出了对智障妇女平等获得生殖保健的担忧。

