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Noisy neighbours and myna problems: Interaction webs and aggression around tree hollows in urban habitats
Journal of Applied Ecology ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13698
Andrew M. Rogers 1, 2 , Andrea S. Griffin 3 , Berndt J. Rensburg 2, 4 , Salit Kark 1, 2

Interaction networks among native and invasive species in a community can inform both invasion impacts and applied management of invasive species. The intensity of aggressive interactions may be related to the overlap in species’ ecological niche and functional traits, especially in cavity-breeding species, that often compete for limited nesting sites. Australia is home to over 100 native and introduced cavity-nesting species, including several invasive species that are widespread globally, such as the common myna Acridotheres tristis. Here, we aimed to test the extent to which shared functional traits inform the intensity of aggression between cavity-nesting birds. We quantified the outcomes of aggressive interactions between birds in large hollow-bearing trees in SE Queensland, Australia. We examined whether more similarly sized birds interacted more frequently, whether larger species won aggressive interactions more often, and whether cavity-breeding species with similar preferences for nesting sites (breeding-niche space) interacted more frequently. We recorded a total of 410 aggressive interactions and 48 interacting bird species around tree hollows, including 20 cavity-nesting bird species. These interactions were dominated by the invasive common myna, the native noisy miner (a non-cavity-breeder) and the native rainbow lorikeet Trichoglossus moluccanus, but the common myna won the largest total number of interspecific interactions. On average, larger birds won aggressive interactions more frequently, yet there were some important exceptions to this finding; the common myna (113 ± 30 g) won 26 of the 29 interactions against the larger native rainbow lorikeet (126 ± 44 g). Importantly, species with more similar nest-site preferences were observed aggressively interacting more frequently. Synthesis and applications. The impact of the invasive common myna was higher-site preferences. Control efforts for the myna should focus on birds that nest in natural tree hollows. An analysis of shared traits by managers could be used to help identify how many local species would benefit from common myna control in a given area and test if further behavioural studies of common myna are warranted.



社区中本地和入侵物种之间的相互作用网络可以为入侵影响和入侵物种的应用管理提供信息。侵略性相互作用的强度可能与物种生态位和功能特征的重叠有关,特别是在腔繁殖物种中,它们通常会争夺有限的筑巢地点。澳大利亚拥有 100 多种本地和外来的空巢筑巢物种,其中包括几种在全球广泛分布的入侵物种,例如常见的八哥 Acridotheres tristis。在这里,我们的目的是测试共享的功能特征在多大程度上影响了窝巢鸟类之间的攻击强度。我们量化了澳大利亚昆士兰东南部大型空心树木中鸟类之间积极相互作用的结果。我们检查了体型越相似的鸟类是否更频繁地相互作用,较大的物种是否更频繁地赢得攻击性的相互作用,以及对筑巢地点(繁殖利基空间)具有相似偏好的腔室繁殖物种是否更频繁地相互作用。我们在树洞周围共记录了 410 种攻击性相互作用和 48 种相互作用的鸟类,其中包括 20 种穴居鸟类。这些相互作用主要由侵入性的八哥、本地嘈杂的矿工(非腔饲养者)和本地彩虹澳洲鹦鹉 Trichoglossus moluccanus 主导,但普通八哥赢得了最大的种间相互作用总数。平均而言,较大的鸟类更频繁地赢得攻击性的互动,但这一发现也有一些重要的例外。普通八哥 (113 ± 30 g) 在 29 次互动中赢得了 26 次与较大的原生彩虹澳洲鹦鹉 (126 ± 44 g) 的对抗。重要的是,观察到具有更相似巢址偏好的物种更频繁地积极互动。合成与应用。侵入性普通八哥的影响是更高的站点偏好。八哥的控制工作应该集中在在天然树洞中筑巢的鸟类上。管理人员对共同特征的分析可用于帮助确定在特定地区有多少当地物种将从常见八哥控制中受益,并测试是否有必要对普通八哥进行进一步的行为研究。侵入性普通八哥的影响是更高的站点偏好。八哥的控制工作应该集中在在天然树洞中筑巢的鸟类上。管理人员对共同特征的分析可用于帮助确定在特定地区有多少当地物种将从常见八哥控制中受益,并测试是否有必要对普通八哥进行进一步的行为研究。侵入性普通八哥的影响是更高的站点偏好。八哥的控制工作应该集中在在天然树洞中筑巢的鸟类上。管理人员对共同特征的分析可用于帮助确定在特定地区有多少当地物种将从常见八哥控制中受益,并测试是否有必要对普通八哥进行进一步的行为研究。