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Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1002/esp.4927
G. Chico 1 , B. Clutterbuck 1 , J. Clough 2 , R. Lindsay 2 , N.G. Midgley 1 , J.C. Labadz 1

Blanket bogs are a globally rare type of ombrotrophic peatland internationally recognized for long‐term terrestrial carbon storage, the potential to serve as carbon sinks, habitat provision and for their palaeoenvironmental archive. This habitat is protected in the European Union under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), but a number of blanket bogs located in the Cantabrian Mountains (northern Spain), representing the southernmost known edge‐of‐range for this habitat in Europe, are currently not recognized and are at increased threat of loss. Using climatic data, topography, aerial photography and peat depth surveys, this study has identified 10 new areas of blanket bog located between the administrative regions of Cantabria and Castilla y Leon. Peat depth data and topography were used to provide a detailed geomorphological description and hydromorphological classification (mesotope units) of these currently unrecognized areas of blanket bog. Maximum peat depth measured across the 10 sites ranged from 1.61 to 3.78 m, covering a total area of 18.6 ha of blanket bog (>40 cm peat depth). The volume of peat accumulated across the sites was determined to be more than 216 000 m3 and is estimated to hold 19.89 ± 3.51 kt C. Twenty‐four individual hydrological mesotope units were described, indicating a diverse assemblage of blanket bogs in this region. The peatlands identified in this research extend the known limit of blanket bogs in Europe farther south than previously recorded and – combined with four other unprotected blanket bogs recently identified in the Cantabrian Mountains – these peatlands represent 10.5% of blanket bog currently recognized and protected in Spain. The range of anthropogenic pressures currently acting on peatlands in the Cantabrian Mountains indicates that without protection these important landforms and stored carbon may be lost. An urgent update of European peatland inventories is thus required to preserve these valuable carbon stores and potential carbon sinks.



毯子沼泽是一种全球罕见的同质营养泥炭地,国际公认的长期陆地碳储存、作为碳汇、栖息地供应和古环境档案的潜力。该栖息地在欧盟根据栖息地指令 (92/43/EEC) 受到保护,但位于坎塔布连山脉(西班牙北部)的一些毯状沼泽代表了欧洲该栖息地最南端的已知范围,目前未被承认,并且面临更大的损失威胁。使用气候数据、地形、航空摄影和泥炭深度调查,这项研究确定了位于坎塔布里亚和卡斯蒂利亚莱昂行政区域之间的 10 个新的毯状沼泽区域。泥炭深度数据和地形用于提供这些目前未被识别的毯状沼泽区域的详细地貌描述和水形态分类(中间位单位)。在 10 个地点测量的最大泥炭深度范围为 1.61 至 3.78 m,覆盖总面积为 18.6 公顷的毯状沼泽(>40 cm 泥炭深度)。经确定,这些地点积累的泥炭量超过 216 000 立方米,估计可容纳 19.89 ± 3.51 kt C。描述了 24 个单独的水文中间位单元,表明该地区有多种不同的毯式沼泽组合。本研究中确定的泥炭地将欧洲已知的毯状沼泽的已知范围扩大到比以前记录的更南,加上最近在坎塔布连山脉发现的其他四个未受保护的毯状沼泽,这些泥炭地占西班牙目前公认和受保护的毯状沼泽的 10.5% . 目前作用于坎塔布连山脉泥炭地的人为压力范围表明,如果没有保护,这些重要的地貌和储存的碳可能会丢失。因此,需要紧急更新欧洲泥炭地清单,以保护这些宝贵的碳储存和潜在的碳汇。目前作用于坎塔布连山脉泥炭地的人为压力范围表明,如果没有保护,这些重要的地貌和储存的碳可能会丢失。因此,需要紧急更新欧洲泥炭地清单,以保护这些宝贵的碳储存和潜在的碳汇。目前作用于坎塔布连山脉泥炭地的人为压力范围表明,如果没有保护,这些重要的地貌和储存的碳可能会丢失。因此,需要紧急更新欧洲泥炭地清单,以保护这些宝贵的碳储存和潜在的碳汇。