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Fine Filament Structure of a Quiescent Solar Prominence
Astrophysics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10511-020-09632-5
O. A. Korolkova , A. A. Solov’ev

A theoretical model of a cold and dense isolated solar prominence is presented. The thermodynamic parameters of a filament (gas pressure, density and temperature) are calculated from a specified magnetic field structure. The filament lies above the photospheric polarization separation line and its magnetic field falls off rapidly with distance from the axis, so that the total electric current along the axis of the filament equals zero. The prominence has a helical magnetic field structure divided into separate thin filaments. The density and temperature distributions of the prominence derived from the equilibrium conditions for this kind of magnetic field correspond well to the known observed parameters.


