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Introducing Functional Composite Materials
Functional Composite Materials Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s42252-020-00007-9
Tony McNally

The science and technology of composite materials has never been more important a research topic. The demands and requirements of composite materials to meet the many societal, environmental and engineering challenges for the twenty-first century and beyond are significant. Functional composite materials will play a major and wide-ranging role in addressing these challenges, whether it is solutions to address the negative aspects of climate change, for light-weighting and components for the electrification of all forms of transport, for the generation and storage of energy to sustainable composite materials for applications in construction, food packaging and space exploration.

Materials discovery continues unabated and the growth and application of new materials provides a cornucopia of starting materials such that the number of composite materials possible having a range of functionalities is limitless. Recognizing the importance and potential of functionality for the development of the next generation composite materials, the editor with Springer engaged with the leading researchers in the field, many now members of the editorial board. Without exception, all realized there was an absence in the field for a journal where it was mandatory the functionality of the composite material be, described in the manuscript. Examples include, but are not limited to, electrical and thermal conductivity/insulation; thermoelectric; magnetic; optical; shape memory; ferroelectric; energy storage; phase change and antimicrobial.

Functional Composite Materials is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on fundamental and applied aspects of composite materials spanning chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, manufacturing, modelling, theory and materials, interpreted in the broadest sense. The key requirement for publication is that the concept of functionality must be, clearly demonstrated. Functional Composite Materials will publish review articles, communications, original research articles and thematic collections. As Functional Composite Materials is a fully open access journal, authors will benefit from their papers receiving unrestricted access around the world, as well as retaining copyright under a Creative Commons licence.


  1. International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing (IINM), WMG, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK

    Tony McNally

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Correspondence to Tony McNally.

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McNally, T. Introducing Functional Composite Materials. Functional Composite Mater 1, 1 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42252-020-00007-9

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材料的发现一直没有减弱,并且新材料的生长和应用为原材料提供了聚宝盆,使得具有一系列功能的复合材料的数量是无限的。认识到功能性对于开发下一代复合材料的重要性和潜力,Springer的编辑与该领域的领先研究人员进行了接触,许多现在是编辑委员会的成员。无一例外,所有人都意识到在该领域中没有期刊,在该期刊中,必须说明复合材料的功能,如原稿所述。示例包括但不限于电导率和导热率/绝缘;热电 磁性; 光学 形状记忆 铁电 能源储备; 相变和抗菌。



  1. WMG国际纳米复合材料制造研究所(IINM),英国考文垂华威大学CV4 7AL


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McNally,T.介绍功能性复合材料功能复合材料 1,1,(2020)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s42252-020-00007-9

