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Image Encryption Scheme Based on a Generalized Arnold Map and RSA Algorithm
Security and Communication Networks ( IF 1.968 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/9721675
Kaixin Jiao 1 , Guodong Ye 1 , Youxia Dong 1 , Xiaoling Huang 1 , Jianqing He 1

This study proposes a new image encryption scheme based on a generalized Arnold map and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm. First, the parameters of the generalized Arnold map are generated by an asymmetric encryption-system RSA algorithm, and the keystream is produced iteratively. To change the distribution of pixel values, the image data are hidden by XOR diffusion. Second, both rows and columns of the image are cyclically confused to hide the image data again. Then, the additive mode diffusion operation is performed to realize third-layer hiding for image content. The overall diffusion and confusion operations are conducted twice to obtain the final cipher image. Test results prove that the encryption scheme proposed in this study is effective and has strong antiattack capabilities and key sensitivity. In addition, because the scheme security relies on the RSA algorithm, it has high security.


