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Low first-year apparent survival of passerines in abandoned fields in northwestern Russia
The Condor: Ornithological Applications ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-06 , DOI: 10.1093/condor/duaa008
Dmitry Shitikov 1 , Viktoria Grudinskaya 1 , Tatiana Makarova 1 , Tatiana Vaytina 1 , Svetlana Fedotova 1 , Stanislav Samsonov 1 , Alexander Grabovsky 1

First-year survival probability of migratory passerines during the period between fledging and first reproduction is a highly variable parameter that has a major effect on population dynamics. We used a long-term mark–recapture dataset (2002–2018) to examine first-year survival of 3 passerine species breeding in abandoned agricultural fields of northwestern Russia: Booted Warbler (Iduna caligata), Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), and Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava). We banded 3,457 nestlings, including 1,363 Booted Warblers, 1,699 Whinchats, and 395 Western Yellow Wagtails, and resighted 12 Booted Warblers, 29 Whinchats, and 13 Western Yellow Wagtails in the year after fledging. We evaluated first-year apparent survival rates using Cormack-Jolly-Seber models in MARK program within the multispecies approach. We tested effect of fledge date on the first-year apparent survival. In all focal species, first-year apparent survival rates were low and reached the lower limits known for migratory passerines. We found no differences in first-year survival rates among the 3 species: the estimated average first-year apparent survival rate of all species was 0.05 ± 0.01. The fledge date had a considerable impact on first-year survival rate: later fledge dates negatively affected first-year survival. We suggest that first-year apparent survival rates in our study were low due to low natal philopatry and high mortality in the post-fledging period. Low apparent first-year survival may be a specific feature of open-nesting birds breeding in abandoned fields that are low-quality habitats because of high predation pressure.



在迁徙和初次繁殖之间的第一年,迁徙性er鸟的第一年生存概率是一个高度可变的参数,对种群动态具有重要影响。我们使用了长期的标记回收数据集(2002-2018年)来研究俄罗斯西北部废弃农业领域中3种雀形目物种繁殖的第一年生存期:靴莺(Idd caligata),野猫(Saxicola rubetra)和西黄g(Motacilla flava)。出雏后的一年中,我们为3,457雏雏鸟进行了组合,其中包括1,363疣鼻莺,1,699野鸭和395西部黄Wa,并重新审视了12疣鼻莺,29野鸭和13西部黄Western。在多物种方法中,我们使用MARK程序中的Cormack-Jolly-Seber模型评估了第一年的表观存活率。我们测试了誓约日期对第一年表观存活率的影响。在所有重点物种中,第一年的表观存活率都很低,并达到了已知的迁徙性er鱼的下限。我们发现这3个物种的第一年生存率没有差异:所有物种的第一年表观平均生存率估计为0.05±0.01。誓约日期对第一年生存率有很大影响:以后的誓约日期对第一年生存产生负面影响。我们建议,由于出生后出生率低和成年后死亡率高,本研究的第一年表观存活率较低。低的表观第一年生存率可能是由于高捕食压力而在低质量栖息地的废弃田野中进行开放式筑巢鸟类繁殖的特征。