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Local recruitment in Northern Flickers is related to environmental factors at multiple scales and provides reproductive benefits to yearling breeders settling close to home
Ornithology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1093/auk/ukaa007
Karen L Wiebe 1

ABSTRACT Natal dispersal and local recruitment are affected by factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to juveniles and may affect fitness. Understanding the relationship between dispersal and population density in birds has been hindered by a lack of long-term studies and a focus on resident species has neglected the role of weather operating at large spatial scales. I studied local recruitment and the reproductive consequences of natal dispersal distance within a population of Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus), a migratory woodpecker. During a field study spanning 16 yr in British Columbia, 8,272 fledglings were banded and 138 males and 105 females recruited locally. The average annual local recruitment rate for males (3.36%) was greater than that for females (2.55%) and the propensity to recruit locally was positively correlated with an early hatch date and high body condition. Annual local recruitment was not associated with population density in the year of hatch but was positively correlated with population density in the year of settlement. Local recruitment was also positively correlated with warmer springs during migration, consistent with the phenology hypothesis that the location of settlement is affected by weather along the route. Among local recruits, natal dispersal distance was independent of the presence of parents and so dispersal was not a behavior to prevent inbreeding. However, settling closer to the natal site led to reproductive benefits in terms of earlier laying dates and better nest success. Therefore, juveniles may gain useful information about the location of nesting substrates, predation risk, and patchy food resources by exploring the landscape around their natal site during the post-fledging period and then settling in the familiar area after returning from migration.


Northern Flickers 的本地招募与多个尺度的环境因素有关,并为定居在家附近的一岁鸽育种者提供繁殖益处

摘要 出生的散布和局部招募受幼鱼内在和外在因素的影响,并可能影响健康。由于缺乏长期研究,对鸟类扩散和种群密度之间关系的理解受到阻碍,而且对常住物种的关注忽视了天气在大空间尺度上的作用。我研究了北闪烁(Colaptes auratus)(一种迁徙啄木鸟)种群中的本地招募和出生扩散距离的繁殖后果。在不列颠哥伦比亚省进行的为期 16 年的实地研究中,8,272 只雏鸟被绑在一起,当地招募了 138 名男性和 105 名女性。男性的年均本地招聘率(3.36%)高于女性(2. 55%) 并且在当地招募的倾向与早期孵化日期和高身体状况呈正相关。每年的本地招募与孵化年份的人口密度无关,但与定居年份的人口密度呈正相关。本地补充也与迁徙期间较暖的泉水呈正相关,这与定居地点受沿线天气影响的物候学假设一致。在当地新兵中,出生的传播距离与父母的存在无关,因此传播不是防止近亲繁殖的行为。然而,就更早的产蛋日期和更好的筑巢成功而言,靠近出生地点定居会带来繁殖益处。因此,幼鱼可以获得关于筑巢基质位置的有用信息,